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Sunday’s Deadly Shooting On NYC Subway

nyc train.jpgA shooting at an elevated subway station in the Bronx early Sunday morning left one teenager dead, and three others hurt. Police say around 2:30 Sunday morning, two groups of teenagers began fighting on the #5 train between the 180th Street and Dyre Avenue stops in the Eastchester section of the Bronx. One of the teens had a gun, and shot four teenagers, killing Story. The other three teens are listed in stable condition at Our Lady Of Mercy Hospital. Click HERE to see the WCBSTV report.

11 Responses

  1. Who ever thought it is safe in America? At least those that are able to come to Eretz Yisroel have zuchus yishuv ha’aretz.

  2. I wonder why THIS piece of “news” was deemed important enough to the Jewish community to be reported HERE There are many nasty things occurring,but this had nothing to do with the Jewish community.This was not random terrorism,merely an act of goyishe,after -partying-violence.

  3. Baruch hashem shebahar banou mikol haamim venatan lanou et torato!! This article doesnt belong in this website.. besides the fact that it happened in new york…

  4. I guess “flathbusher” doesn’t know what’s doing outside of flatbush. Good for you! I don’t either. Those that read the newspapers and hear the media tell me that there are more killings in the US per capita than in Eretz Yisroel by far. Besides for that, look what happened at the twin towers. More people were killed in a few hours than in Eretz Yisroel from all the bombs and wars over many years. The Navi Yoel says “Tzion teyeh playta”. The Gedolim say Eretz Yisroel is the safest place. Not everyone is Zoicheh to come to EY. The isolated bombs R”L are one way that Hashem is keeping those that dont belong in EY away.

  5. to shraga5712 WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE THE REASONS HASHEM LETS THESE BOMB ATTACKS HAPPEN IN ERETZ HAKODESH? ? bnai torah should know better than that to write such things.

  6. This news is important, since many of us travel on the subway system daily and need to be alert and cautious.
    ‘Random Rockets’ those are Gaza terror rockets, not random rockets, and when hashem deems it, they will fall in the USA.

  7. Shraga, not everyone is zoiche to come to EY? So I assume all those non frum jews whom the zionists grab to make aliyah have more zechus than any god fearing jew living in the us? The bottom line is we are in galus no matter where you are. No one is safe anywhere no matter where you live. We will all be safe when the final redemption occurs. So stop assuming that you are more safe than us chutzniks. Its proposterous.

  8. 1) We believe that whoever was killed by any bomb would have died at that time. One of the reasons Hashem set it up to be in this fashion is for as mentioned.
    2) Not everyone is zoiche to be able to come to EY for financial, family, or other personal reasons. Even if he learns better outside EY, he can stay. I am referring to those that don’t come because they imagine it’s dangerous.
    3) Do you think it safer traveling on the NY subway or Sderot and Kiryat Shemona. Where is it safer walking down Harlem or taking a stroll in Shaar Shechem by yourself? But what I wrote is not my opinion to argue about, I just am saying over from the Gedolim.
    3) The Gedolim are many i.e. The Chazon Ish, Brisker ruv, also chasidishe Rebbes and Sfardi Chachamim. Ask around and you’ll find out.
    4) Someone that does avaros in EY is not zoiche to live in EY and is better off not being there. This is definitely a good reason for even a G-d fearing Jew that feels he can not control himself not to come.

  9. Shraga, not everyone is zoiche to come to EY? So I assume all those non frum jews whom the zionists grab to make aliyah have more zechus than any god fearing jew living in the us? The bottom line is we are in galus no matter where you are. No one is safe anywhere no matter where you live. We will all be safe when the final redemption occurs. So stop assuming that you are more safe than us chutzniks. Its proposterous.

    Comment by mikedrezz

    THE ISSUE OF ZECHUS applies for those mekaymey hatorah you wont say that a cat has the zechus
    to live in E”Y.

    and yes you are more safe in E”Y being that it is eretz asher tomid einey hashem elokecha bo.

    WHAT Shaychus to being in golus as a reason for not living in E”Y? (explain that one to Maran R’ Elyashuv)

  10. I am sorry to say to flatbusher that he doesnt know the facts.
    1) Hundreds of Jews walk through Shaar Shechem everyday, and nothing happens. Find out how many incidents there are in Harlem and other parts of NYC every day.
    2) Find out how many people how knives and guns in the NY subway and how often there are fatal incidents there and campare it to Sderot, and youll see for yourself which is safer.
    3) The nowaday Gedolim also say the same as the CI and BR, ask around.
    4) The truth is that if a person puts himself in a true “makom sakanuh” it is very likely that even the zuchus of EY might not help. He is definitly better off there than anywhere else. In any case you are definitly better off in Bnay Braq than in Flatbush.

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