El Al safer then ever


El Al Israel Airlines passengers are among the best-protected clientele flying the skies, but the company has just taken security to a higher level. Security sources said Wednesday that the airline completed the installation of an anti-missile system on each of its 29 passenger aircraft. The new security equipment was developed by Israel Military Industries and its subsidiary Elta, both of which are state-owned. Carrying a $1 million price tag per unit, the �Flight Guard� is an Israeli-made system which is now installed on each of the 29 planes n El Al�s fleet.The installation of the system is the final touch on a security overhaul that began in 2002 after an al-Qaida terrorist in Kenya fired shoulder-held missiles at an Israeli charter flight.According to an aircraft industry source, “The State and El Al invest NIS 100 million (about USD 22.5 million) a year in the airline’s security.El Al officials declined to comment on the move and said it does not discuss security issues. The company, Israel�s official national carrier, is also the largest airline in the country.

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