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Agudah / Vouchers


In place of……………………..Apparently Teachers Union chief Randi Weingarten has met with officials of Agudath Israel, the Orthodox group, as she shapes a response to a tax credit plan which, for some in her camp, looks a little too much like vouchers. There’s some suggestion that she’s looking for the non-public schools support on the state-financing lawsuit known as CFE in exchange for her support for the tax credits. Couldn’t immediately reach Randi for comment.
Good Shabbos!
Will try to get back on the interviews next week. Just a busy day.

UPDATE: UFT spokesman Stu Marques (my old boss!) says it was an open discussion, but there were “no commitments, no quid pro quos.”
Posted by Ben on February 3, 2006 04:53 PM Permalink
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TO: Agudath Israel FROM: Mike Tobman
I am terribly, deeply shocked and disappointed.
Meeting w. Randi to discuss Education Tax Credits � regardless of whatever else was discussed � was wildly inappropriate.
Agudath Israel, an institution for which I still have deep respect, is in no position to speak for larger coalition efforts.
Linking CFE w. Education Tax Credits is simply wrong.
CFE is a $5 billion statewide school-funding discussion involving all courts, public officials and players.
Education Tax Credits are a $400 million helping-hand for lower through middle income parents. It is absurd to link the two.
The politics of relevance notwithstanding, your work this past Friday jeopardized a statewide effort that would benefit Agudath�s constituency more than any other non-public school group. Of course, public school parents would benefit more than any other group.
That having been said, it occurs to me that you were spun good and we may all suffer for that.
Posted by: Tobman February 3, 2006 05:42 PM
I liked the IM interviews!
Posted by: Anonymous February 3, 2006 05:47 PM
Did Tobman clear his memo with Agudah before he released it?
Posted by: Gatemouth February 3, 2006 06:53 PM
Way to go Ruach country!Go get them CDZ.I like the idea of accomodating the Sabbath Observerant readership.There are more of us than you can imagine.
Posted by: mort February 4, 2006 11:17 PM
doesn’t mike know that Agudah doesn’t play well with others? After all, who is Tobman anyway? Agudah has been at this for forty years and Tobman seems to have accomplished more in a couple of months. No wonder Agudah is looking to cut their own deal. They tried the same with Metzitza B’Peh. and guess what, when Mayor Mike calls a meeting on that issue they aren’t even invited.
Posted by: isac February 4, 2006 11:23 PM

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