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Thug Who Robbed Monsey Glatt Gets 13 Years in The Slammer

arrested 3.jpgAccording to The Journal News Website, a judge has sentenced a 16-year-old to 13 years in prison today for robbing Monsey Glatt and beating up the manager in the process last year – (as originally reported HERE on YW).

Francisco Feria had pleaded guilty on March 20 to first-degree robbery of the Monsey Glatt on Nov. 23.

Feria was one of four people charged with robbing the supermarket. Two others, Junior Marseilles, 21, and Aldaberto Lucus, 21, have pleaded guilty to first-degree robbery and await sentencing.

A fourth suspect, Edward Cesus, 23, has pleaded not guilty to the charges.

8 Responses

  1. illini07. your reality is skewed. these illegal aliens (yes they are here illegally) did not just beat up the manager. they viciously attacked him! they hit him with a gun and shattered many bones in his face, his jaw, his eye socket… and then left him to DIE! They all knew him and he know them. If they knew that he was going to survive they would have beat him more. this manager is a nice sweet young man. I have known him for years (even prior to him working there). he always greets everyone with a smile and warmth.

    re: “Would you be saying these things if the convicted was Jewish? (And there are plenty of Jews who have done worse).” — in your “well reasoned” and “logical comment” you are trying to extrapolate what a response would be if something that did not happen, had happened.
    …so with that said,
    point 1) remind the next time you read of a Torah True Yid who illegally enters a America. Takes a job in a Company and then attempts to murder a employee of the same company.
    Point 2) save postage – but all four of their carcasses in one box and ship them all back C.O.D.

  2. illini07

    what does the Torah proscribe as a penalty for the bnei Noach who violates one of the 7 mitzvahs of bnei Noach?

    details, details, details…

  3. illini07 you wrote “…Deserving of death wishes, probably not so much.”

    the key word is Deserving. They are Deserving of death and just b/c we can’t mete it out against them, does not eliminate the penalty that they Deserve. you are correct that WE can’t impose Torah law on them, however, the Judge of all judges can…

    point of clarification re: illegal aliens – they came here against the law. someone was kind enough to give them a livelihood and this is how they paid him back – by stealing from him and attempting to kill his manager —> warning mega general statement coming up read at your own risk —> there is no concept of gratitude by these people.

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