New Jersey: Traffic alert due to presidents motorcade

motorcade.jpgPresident Bush will be at the Raritan Center Exhibit Hall this afternoon (Wednesday 5/30/07). He will be arriving by motorcade. We have been informed that the following roadways will be CLOSED IN BOTH DIRECTIONS during Arrival and Departure times listed below:

ARRIVAL – 4:30PM- 5:05PM
*subject to change or delays

-NJ Turnpike (Newark to Exit 10)
-Garden State Parkway (Edison – Woodbridge Area)
-Rt. 287 (Edison – Woodbridge Area)
-Rts. 1 & 9 (Edison -Woodbridge Area)
-Woodbridge Avenue (Main St. – Amboy Avenue)
-Raritan Center Parkway

10 Responses

  1. Don’t forget that this is a chance to say the special brocho if you have the zechus to see the President live
    (it’s in the siddur)

  2. 1. HaNoTeN MeHodO LeBaSaR VaDaM (or is it MeLeCH BaSaR VaDam)?

    2. he is definitely a king, he definitely has power to condemn to death (look at his predecessor, who had his wife’s boyfriend murdered for reasons other than he was her boyfriend; that was unimportant to him)

    3. and some claim (luckily, not YW) that that is iraq

    4. i remember when johnsin was campaigning for reeelection (1964) and EVERYONE came out on thirteenth avenue to see him. even though we probably disagreed with him.

    5. does your shul say HaNoTeN TeSHUA every shabat, not just on inaugaration shabat? mine does.

  3. OnceFrum: Because since Hashem is omnipotent, His granting a human king the ability to condemn to death at will is a micro-miniscule testament to His power, so we make a bracha upon witnessing the manifestation of His granting this power to a human.

  4. The ברכה is made because of the position he holds. הנותן תשועה is said each Shabbos in our Shul and many others.The government,whether we like it or we do not,is a representative of מלכות שמים

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