Orthodox birthrate seen saving Jewish majority in Israel

The Jewish birth rate was expected to exceed that of Muslims in Israel over the next 18 years, a report said. A study by the Washington-based American-Israel Demographic Research Group said Jewish fertility, was rapidly approaching that of Arabs in Israel. 

The group, in a report entitled “Forecast for Israel 2025,” projected a 79 percent Jewish majority as well as long-term population stability between Jewish-Arab population groups in Israel.

The report, in contrast to the forecasts by Israeli demographers, said Jewish growth would be based on the Orthodox community. The group said that by 2025, Israel’s ultra-Orthodox Jewish sector would grow from 16 percent to 23 percent of the nation’s population. The ultra-Orthodox was expected to increase to 29 percent of the Jewish sector.


8 Responses

  1. Kain Yirbu!
    The problem is that the birthrate of muslims in all other countries is out of control “Viho yiye pera adom yodo bachol vyad kol bo!!’

  2. I wonder how much credit for this can go to the fact that yeshiva tuitions in Israel are an insignificant expense. Whereas here in the USA, (at least in the non-Chassidisshe communities) the expense even with scholarships are astronomical for an average income family.

  3. Its also interesting to note that within Orthodoxy certain segments of Orthodoxy have a higher birth-rate than other segments.

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