London: Bostoner Rebbe attends massive Siyum

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(More pictures can bee seen by clicking HERE) Last Wednesday the Vaad Lehafotzas Daf Hayomi of North West London, organized a major gathering of Kavod Hatorah on the occasion of the Siyum of Seder Moed for the Chevra Ha’Lomdei Daf Hayomi. More than 1000 lomdei Daf Hayomi and their Magidei Shiurim were in attendance. Each guest received a beautiful Mesivta Gemora Yevamos presented by Oz Vehadar.

The highlight of the event was the presence of the Bostoner Rebbe Shlita who traveled special for this occasion. In addition, all of the local Rabonim including Rav Elchonon Halpern Shlita

The Davening of Mincha & Maariv Brov Am and the Drashos were uplifting, but the most amazing part of the evening was a spellbinding address from the Rebbe Shlita, which was passionate, profound and thought provoking. The Rebbe touched on many issues of day to day life and encouraged the Olam to be Mechazek their Yiddeshkeit, their learning and in particular to pay special attention to our children.

After the event came to a close, everyone was given an opportunity to greet the Rebbe personally.

A tremendous Yasher Koach must be given to the the organizers R’ Chaim Mordche Curtis, R’Shuli Meyers & R’ Pesach Gross that the evening was such a resounding success.

Photos by: Shuli Smuss

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