This photo, taken by Oded Balilty won The Associated Press Pulitzer Prize for breaking news photography on Monday. The image was taken in the West Bank settlement of Amona, in February 2006. About 200 people were wounded as hundreds resisted a forced evacuation of the outpost. The violence came after a court allowed the demolition of nine homes at the site.
14 Responses
And for this there will be celebrations of Atzmaut, Freedom!
Why do they have to remind us of old tzoros.
according to ynet the photographer sa
she said:The picture is simply an embarrassment to the nation of Israel. Instead of defending the people and land of Israel, security forces destroy Jewish homes. A picture like this one is a mark of disgrace for the state of Israel and is nothing to be proud of. The picture looks like it represents a work of art, but that isn’t what went on there. What happened in Amona was totally different.” id it is nothing to be proud of.
Whats so shocking about how zionists behave? Did anyone expect more from them?
At first glance it is heartbreaking. But take another look and you see the awesome strength of inspired willpower against the listless and defeated mentality of those who have no ideas to inspire them.
I see a positive message here.
It was reported yesterday on Arutz 7, that a resident of Amona complained that her picture (being ousted by police) who won international fame for HONOR, is really a prize of DISGRACE. Check out the video there.
Any else wondering why they didn’t just walk around the gate?
I think you are over analyzing it. I think the picture is hilarious.
zionflag, yes, it’s heartbreaking, but often times Pulitzer winning shots are just that. It’s not supposed to be the photo of the year that makes you feel great, it’s the photo that tells the best story, that makes you think about an event.
Sheker ain lo ragliem The fall of the zionest dream. when they turn agunst there biggest supporters .
i am surprised it isn`t some of reuters doctered pictures from the lebonon war.
To GrumpyOldMan: That isn’t a gate. Those are full body protective shields made of Plexiglas that riot police use.
why is 1 woman holding up 200 men?
this is a tremendous chillul hashem.