NYC region bracing for storm












New York City and surrounding areas are bracing for a serious storm. A flood watch was in effect for New York City, Long Island and some northern suburbs as the National Weather Service predicted 2 to 4 inches of rain and wind gusts up to 50 mph, with snow and sleet possible inland.

The nor’easter was coming surprisingly late in an unusual year in which temperatures have been lower than normal throughout April.

The rain was expected to start early Sunday and linger into Monday night as the storm crawled along the coast, Koch said.

The New York National Guard was alerting units that might be needed for emergency work as local communities readied sandbags, cleaned drains and made other preparations. Officials urged residents to take their own precautions.

New York City’s OEM urged residents to secure trash cans and other objects at risk of blowing away, and to ready emergency supplies and evacuation plans. The city has coastal areas in each borough that may flood in such storms. North of the city, officials and residents were making preparations in places prone to flooding.

Westchester County officials were filling sandbags, clearing catch basins, and readying boats and road barricades. In Rockland County, utilities lined up extra crews, while emergency agencies got ready for the possibility of power outages, car wrecks and flooding.

(Sources: WCBS880/11010WINS/Breitbart)

13 Responses

  1. “The nor’easter was coming surprisingly late in an unusual year in which temperatures have been lower than normal throughout April.”

    Oh, no! What happened to global warming??

  2. shazam,
    you didn’t chop? this is because of “global warming”!!!!!
    (thats what the experts will tell you; i don’t get it either)

  3. It seems that the seasons have shifted. Winter was autumn, and Spring is winter. What will happen in the summer? When the weather becomes wacky it is a sign that Moshiach is near.

  4. There are 2 options, re the geulah
    1. Moshiach comes when the tzibbur is zoche
    2. Moshiach comes when hashem determines to send him

  5. very true Moshiach comes when we’re zoche or when Ha-Shem determines it to come but then we also have to be zoche to Moshiach. Only 1/3 will be zoche unless we do Teshuvah just like in Mitzrayim.

  6. I found it hillarious that the first day of Chol hamoed american scientists were forced to agree at a conference in Vienna to Globalwarming,it snowed two feet in Cleveland.

  7. Y.I.K. “Only 1/3 will be zoche unless we do Teshuvah just like in Mitzrayim. ”

    I think it was 1/5 not 1/3.
    May we all be Zoche this time!

  8. The so called experts don’t have a clue. Whether there is global warming or not (and even that is debatable), it isn’t man that causes it but Hashem. One hurricane like Katrina, Rita, or Wilma, or one volcanic eruption like Pinetubo or St. Helens affects the environment considerably more than all the humans on the planet. The “experts” don’t understand the magnitude of the sun-earth energy system in relationship to puny man. Moh enosh ki sizkerenu.

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