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From NYC to Uman

google earth.jpgNeed directions from NYC to UMAN? Click HERE to see directions by Google Earth. Make sure to check direction # 23.

28 Responses

  1. okey your coming with me i’m leaving right now hope to get there in 10 years HOW could you drive to uman this map does not make sence please exxplain MORE !!!!!!

  2. It’s good to watch some pepole “GOOGLE” around for a change, instead of everyone always being so serious!

    KEEP IT UP!!!

  3. Lipa
    You’ll only save about 10 minutes with the Holland Tunnel. If someone’s not in a rush the Lincoln Tunnel’s more convenient.

  4. This only works to some places. I just tried London and it worked, but for most international cities it said that directions were unavailable.

  5. thanks! now if I anybody asks me if I ever get any worthwhile productive info from yeshiva world – I can show them this (and that I learned in Yeshiva that a father is required to teach his son how to swim and now I know why)

  6. As any self respecting Breslover knows, all you have to do is say Na-Na-Nach-Nachma-Nachman M’Uman and you will instantly be transported over the Atlantic without getting even a drop of water on yourself!

  7. Lebedik,

    You clearly don’t get it. If you are truly a Breslover, you would never miss the opportunity to toivel! Dry? Hah!

  8. I always knew that the Breslevers frequent the Mikvah……..but such a long t’villah?
    They’ll be able to do Tashlich while they’re at it.
    Somebody should sell Na nach towels at the other end.

  9. And further, if you look more closely (as if you have nothing better to do), you’ll notice that you are to get into the water at a point NOT closest to England. Absurd. It won’t work.

  10. I don’t get it, if your in Manhattan already and you gotta swim, why drive all the way to Massachusetts. Just jump right in!

  11. it’s so funny you put in any international city it will tell you to swim 3,000 miles what does google think someone could swim so far take a boat already

  12. gemorahkop

    Rethink your “SEVARAH”

    You wrote “JUST JUMP RIGHT IN”
    If your in Manhatten waters already – Just “CONTINUE” swimming to Massachusetts!!???

    A GOOD DIUK!! AH??

  13. 1)only wierd people will ask google for driving directions to Uman, so they really weren’t serious about swimming, unless you really are nuts then I think you should check the calendar to see that Purim was 5 weeks ago and will be coming again in 11 months and 3 weeks, so you should wait until you get yourself slammed out of your cans
    2)i wouldn’t take either the lincoln tunnel or the holland tunnel, i’d take the tri boro bridge to I-95 in the Bronx which leads you eventually to cape cod, which is right by the
    Atlantic Ocean
    3)forget about a mikvah in the ocean, i hope you guys are worried about a minyan, a place to get kosher food, and a place to stay shabbos/ yom tov – don’t worry Chabad to the rescue! they just recently opened up chabad houses in the middle of the ocean, who are these shluchim? the fish who are living in Paroh’s wagons that were recently found at the bottom of the yam suf – they learned enough about yiddishkeit that they decided to learn tanya and help the na nach’s from america get to uman

  14. the right way to do this is drive to the west coast,then north thru alaska & there’s a very short swim to siberia, continue thru russia to oman.

  15. reisig: yes, that’s what i am refering to , only this chabad house has an extension that goes INTO the atlantic ocean

    alasgit: i don’t like your directions, once you’re going via the north pole you don’t need to swim, you can just walk ON the ice. But as b mazel said the Breslovers like to go the mikvah alot, and i’m sure they probably go to the Ari’s mikva (which is FREEZING), i think the artic ocean/ baltic sea (whatever that body of water/ice is called is much colder than the Ari’s mikvah

    (and to those going back to Yeshivah next week, Hatzlachah)

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