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Florida: Mezuzahs now permitted on condo doors

mezuzah.jpgJust in time for Pesach, Laurie Richter won the right to keep her mezuzah on the doorpost of her rented Fort Lauderdale condominium. But that’s not good enough for Attorney General Bill McCollum. He gave the association at The Port Condominium, in the 1800 block of Southeast 17th Street, until 5 p.m. today to change its rules so all its Jewish residents can hang mezuzahs.

“Our interest extends beyond Ms. Richter,” said Allison K. Bethel, director of the attorney general’s civil rights division. “We represent the public interest, which includes the right of all Jewish residents there now or in the future to display mezuzahs in accordance with their religion.”

“A resolution [by the board] that allows only Ms. Richter to display her mezuzah does not satisfy the public interest,” Bethel said.

Neither condo board president Ronni L. Rosenberg nor association attorney Henry Howell Fox could be reached for comment.


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