Serious fire at home of Neturei Karta leader

At 8:00PM a major fire broke out at the home of Moshe Ber Beck, 102 N. Saddle River Road in Monsey. The Fire command on the scene is reporting that he has a fully involved 3 story private dwelling, are operating with an exterior attack only, and requested mutual aid from nearby departments for assistance. (Further info to be posted shortly.) [To see photos of what this house has been used for in the past click HERE)

UPDATE 9:13PM The FD Command is now requesting a 3rd alarm to be transmitted, and Fire Inspector to respond to the scene. This is a possible arson fire. There is still heavy fire conditions throughout the structure. (BNN-DESK)

48 Responses

  1. my guess is this is arson, but done tonite as a cover-up to make it look like an accident from bedikas chametz.

  2. will this locale now qualify as a location to burn chometz tomorrow in Monsey?

    If so, please add it to your Monsey listings.

  3. Hashem too is being m’vaer his chumitz.
    I only hope the sifrei torah are ok.
    I bet this roidef is now gonna try to play the innocent victim.

  4. The Zionists who did this will most certainly pay a very high price for this attempt. At least R. Moshe Ber Beck and his wife are not in Monsey for Pesach, which is probably why the evildoers did what they did. But Hashem will take care of this!!

  5. I truly hope that no frum person went so low as to commit a dangerous act of crime like this. Beck is the lowest of the low, but we do not ever have the right to sink to his level, if only because of the chilul Hashem that this will cause.

    On the other hand, fundraising or generating sympathy by means of arson or by claiming that an electrical or other non-suspicious fire is arson is not something I would put past Moussa Bashir Beck.

  6. I passed by eastbound on Rte 59 around 9:15. Firefighting and police apparatus galore. Ladder extension to about 3 stories, spraying water onto the roof. All eastbound traffic shunted off to the new righthand lane leading to Saddle River road southbound. Traffic backed up all over the place.

    A mess.

    Hope no one was hurt. (I also hope this was not deliberate arson.)

  7. Is it possobile that the Palestinians were not paying them, and they were in desperate need of money so they burned down their house to collect insurance ?????????????????????????

  8. Everyone please keep in mind what you said about the sewage accident- binfol oyivcha al tismach. Here, by a yid, is where it applies not by a goy.

  9. Dovdov
    You sound foolish blaming all your problems on the Zionists allways.
    The zionists laugh at you, AND YOUR MUSLIM FRIENDS LAUGH AT YOU TOO. You guys are a little pathetic group with absolutely no backing from any Gadol alive today, stop calling yourselves Rabbi,

    During the halocust (which NK doesn’t belive in) there were jews just like NK that sided with the NAZIS, they were the first to get killed.

  10. The bldg was fully insured. It was in desperate ned of restoration. The insurance proceeds are coming in just at the perfect, suspicious?, time to rebuild more gloriously.

    Where the Sifrei Torah rescued?

    Roof and second floor have collapsed.

  11. Dovdov
    April 1st, 2007 at 10:27 pm
    ”At least R. Moshe Ber Beck and his wife are not in Monsey for Pesach,”

    That’s the point, it seems like he planed it out in advance, and made arrangements where to be after the fire.

    P.S. Does anybody know where he’s staying for Pesach, perhaps at Mr. Achmadenijad’s home (in Iran) ?

  12. Dovdov Says:
    April 1st, 2007 at 10:27 pm
    But Hashem will take care of this!!

    It looks like Hashem is already taking care of it. And it started with burning down this house.

  13. Hirsch is out of the country, and the Sifrei torah were by a Sofer (checking it before Yom Tov.)

    Property damage is insured.

  14. All U people who were crying chillul hashem… Where R U now!!! If the fire chief says its arson, This is a bigger chillul hashem!!!!

  15. if the owner is in London for Pesach(lots of Arabs there) and the burnt home is insured(lots of Arab owned banks in London) , it sounds like the only ones who lost are the people who wanted this Hamas supporter burned with his chametz. Hashem has His ways and it is not for us to take the law into our own hands.

  16. If this was arson, then the guilty parties should be punished. At this point in time let H”B punish him, for if others punish him in this world you will only lighten his sentence in Shamayim.

  17. Most of you ARE MISSING THE BOAT!!!
    NK are NOT meshuga and are far from naive, they lack bitachon and emunah in hashems actions. ANYONE who DENIES hashems providence in helping to establish a home for Jews in their land in the 20th century also denies hashems hand in yitzias mitzrayim (ex: the rasha of the 4 bonim). The activities of the NK activists are a byproduct of this denial. The Torah Community CAN and SHOULD distance themselves from the NK agenda, as we do from the Reform and Conservative religious agenda.
    Enjoy your matzahs as we ponder the hand of hashem in our lives.

  18. Don’t forget to call the White House today 202-456-1414 and ask the President to free Jonathan Pollard! Chag Kasher Vesameach to everyone!

  19. cityofgold – “ANYONE who DENIES hashems providence in helping to establish a home for Jews in their land in the 20th century also denies hashems hand in yitzias mitzrayim (ex: the rasha of the 4 bonim)” – You mean all us Charedi jews (which I presume you don’t consider yourself), are kofrim in Yitzias Mitzrayim? And we are the rishaim of the Hagggadah? What a beutiful thought for Erev Pesach! NK are meshugaim, they started with a correct shita ( a la Satmar Rav, Brisker Rav, and others), and warped it into dangerous nonsense.

    Don’t knock all those who don’t agree with your flawed view of the State of Israel. It has nothing to do with Geulah and Yitzias Mitzrayim. BTW, does your Haggadah discuss Yitzias Mitzrayim, or does it focus on the State of Israel?

  20. cityofgold: if you are going to capitalize words capitalize the CORRECT words such as Hashem! Also, if you are so with the NK, become part of them.

  21. I am absolutly SURE that no YID is capable of doing something like this even to an NK member.
    They certainly wouldnt burn his house down knOWIng he is in London and the sifrei torah is safe. Why would anyone fargin him the INSURANCE money??? This sound like an inside job to me ….perfect insurance scam. After all, . Beck has th luxury of being able to implicate so many who hate him and its my understanding that the house needed a ‘face lift’ in any case.
    Chag Kosher Visameahch everyone!

  22. Interesting, to take part in a conference to proclaim that the holocaust did indeed happen, – just that the state of Israel does not have the right to use the blood of the 6,000,000 Jews for there bloody politics of putting the entire “klal yisral” in danger – is condemned with the highest possible tunes,

    but to do exactly what Hitler ym”s did by burning a fellow Jews home and wish he was there is perfectly excepted.

  23. How appalling that people celebrate the tragedy of a fellow Jew because they disagree with his politics. Is this what Zionism has done to Yiddishkeit? Is this what people do because they support the State of Israel? If you feel that Rabbi Beck and other NK people need to be re-educated, why don’t you engage them in a discussion? Warning: Some of them might run rings around you if you try to quote Torah sources, though. The NK leaders might be eccentric from the viewpoint of most of us, but they are not am-haratzim.

    I happen to have met Rabbi Beck (although it was many years ago – probably before most of the posters on this website were born) and I found him at that time to be an astonishing example Yiras Shomayim and absolute sincerity. He was a model of middos and one of the sweetest people I have ever encountered. He was also an absolute anti-Zionist (as well as an opponent of many other things that today’s orthodox Jews seem to take as “de rigeur”, such as questionable tznius.)

    The N.K.’s participation in the Iranian farce, and some of their other tactics, are unfortunate, but primarily because they inflame such hatred among other (equally sincere) Jews, and dilute any legitimate elments of the N.K. position. (The N.K. have more than one “al mi lismoch” by the way).

    D’rocheho darchei no-am vekol nesivoseho SHALOM. As I see it, from my humble perspective, anything that is not a path to SHALOM is not NESIVOSEHO. It seems that Zionism is one of those things that has never led to shalom. It’s easy to blame the Arabs (it’s awfully easy to blame the Arabs, since they are to blame for so very very much) but perhaps we should look inward and see what is going wrong. The Zionist question has been debated by Torah giants for generations; it is not up to me to have an opinion. What do the real gedolim say, the roshei yeshivos, the sephardic hakhamim and the real admorim? Aseh lecha Rav and follow his teachings.

    It IS up to all of us to pray constantly for the welfare of all Jews everywhere and to pray for the coming of Moshiach so that we will all live triumphantly and joyfully in the Land.

    Of course for those who are such ardent Zionists from the comfort of their Lakewood living rooms and Brooklyn bedrooms, I have always wondered why are YOU not in Eretz Yisroel?

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