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Shabbos Hagadol Drashos listings 5767

YW would like to thank everyone for sending in their listings. We apologize for the late posting, but we were simply overwhelmed with HUNDREDS of Drashos throughout the world. We apologize to the many people who submitted their listing, but did not actually get listed. (We will TRY to add as many as we can to the website shortly.) I”H by Shabbos Shuva we will start a few days earlier! Good Shabbos!–YW Editor.


Adass Yisrael Congregation. 1 Penkivil Street and 248 Old South Head Road
Bondi, Sydney, NSW Australia. Drosha given by R’ Shloimi Reisman After Shacharis


Khal Ahavas Yisroel Tzemach Tzedek. Rabbi Dovid Heber. Park Heights Ave & Fallstaff Road
Women: 4:45 Men: 5:45

Boro Park

Adas Yeraim 1350 50th Street (Yiddish) 5:00pm Men

Agudath Israel Of Ninth Avenue 867 50th Street 5:30 pm

Agudath Israel of 18th Avenue Rabbi Dovid Kviat (Yiddish) 6:00pm Men

Bais Isaac Tzvi Rabbi Helberg 5:15 pm (men, women) 1019 46th Street

Anshai Sfard 4502 14th Avenue 6:00pm

Eitz Chaim 971 47th Street 6:00pm

Chasam Sofer 1876 50th Street, before laining

Kozlov 5423 12th Avenue (Yiddish) 6:00pm

Debrecin 4918 16th Avenue 4:30pm

Nitei Gavriel 1541 40th Street Rabbi Tzinner 6:00pm

Shomer Shabbos 1280 53rd Street 5:30pm (men/women)

Zichron Yosef 1358 56th Street 5:30pm (English)

Satmar 1350 53rd Street 6:00pm (men)

Shomrei Emunah 5202 14th Avenue (Yiddish) 5:30pm (men/women)

Telshe 5218 16th Avenue Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz (Yiddish) 6:00pm

Emunas Yisroel 4310 16th Avenue 5:15pm

Ohr Hachaim 1424 49th Street 4:30pm

Meshbush Rabbi Bick 1547 55th Street 5:30pm (Yiddish/men)


Pupa 1250 51st Street 5:45pm

Torah Vodaath 1580 53rd Street Before Laining (men/womem)

Alexander 4915 15th Avenue 5:45 (Yiddish/men)

B’nai Yehuda 5311 16th Avenue 5:30pm

Belz 1260 45th Street (Yiddish) 6:00pm

Bais Shlomo 1451 46th Street 6:45 pm

Shaarei Orah 1465 51st Street 4:45pm

Vizhnitz 5228 New Utrecht Avenue 6:00pm

Viener Dayan, Rabbi Zvi Heilpern 1368 – 50th Street Mincha at 5:15 PM Drosho following Mincha

B’nai Israel of Linden Heights. 4502 Ninth Avenue

Rabbi Gershon Tannenbaum, will speak at 6:00 pm (Yiddish-English for Men & Women) followed by Mincha at 7:00 pm

Beis HaMedrash Avi Ezry 1861 50th Street Given by the Rov, HaRav Mordechai Glick Shlit”a Time: 6:00


HaRav Zvi Hirsch Block is giving the Drasha at Beis Midrash Toras HaShem, 12422 Chandler Blvd., Valley Village, CA 91607 on Shabbos afternoon at 4:30pm

Congregation Adat Yeshurun 8625 La Jolla Scenic Drive North La Jolla CA 92037 Rabbi Jeff Wohlgelernter 545 Shabbos Afternoon

Rabbi Chaim Baruch Rubin Shlita will be giving his Shabbos Hagadol drasha in his shul Khal Etz Chaim of Hancock Park Bais Moshe Yitzchok Shabbos Los Angeles after Krias Hatorah.

Rabbi Zvi Boruch Hollander will give the drasha on shabbos before mussaf, on the topic of “Mitzvos Asei She Zman Grama, Nashim Paturos, and the Mitzva of Shabbason on Yom Tov.”


HaRav Yitzchok D. Frankel Agudath Israel of the Five Towns 508 Peninsula Blvd. Halacha: After k’rias Hatorah Pilpul (Chiyuv Nashim B’mitzvas Haggadah): 5:15-6:30 PM


Rabbi Zev Shandalov KJBS 3701 W Devon Chicago, IL 545pm


Rabbi Hirschfeld Cong Ahavas Yisroel Cleveland Hts 6:30 pm


Young Israel of New Haven 292 Norton Street Rabbi Cypess 7:00PM

Far Rockaway

Rabbi Reisman of Agudah of Long Island (Far Rockaway) Drosho at 4:30pm


Maran Hagoen Rav Shmuel Berenbaum Shlita will be giving a Drasha on Motzei Shabbos in the Mirrer Yeshiva Ocean Pkwy and Ave R 10:00 

Kehillas Bais Haknesses 1040 East 17 Street Flatbush Rav Aharon Kahn drosho at 6:45pm

Young Israel of  Ave K 2818 Ave K Rav Aryeh Ralbag Mincha 6:30 pm Drasha 7:00 pm

Bais Medrash Marpe L’Nefesh Rabbi Shmuel Zev Friedman Bedford Avenue & Avenue I 6:00

Khal Zichron Mordechai 2645 Nostrand Avenue Rabbi Shimshon Sherer 4:30 Women 5:55 Men

K’hal Keser Yisroel Mordechai 1301 East 18th (between L & M) HoRav Meir Platnick Shlit”a 5:30pm for men and ladies

Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser 5:30PM Edward R Murrow High School Avenue L & East 16th Street

Khal Bnei Torah Ave K & Nostrand Ave Rav Shlomo Cynamon, shlita 5:30 (mincha 6:30)

Yeshiva Chaim Berlin Alumni Minyan 911 E 13th Street Rabbi Mendel Braunstein Drasha 5:30 Mincha 6:30

BMAS 2905 Avenue K Shabbos Hagodol Drasha 5:45

Bais Hamedrash of Flatbush Rabbi Tzvi Yaakov Zolty – Rabbi Sheinkopf, Khal Shalheves Kodesh, 2920 Avenue J – 5:55 Mincha 6:55


Rabbi Bandman K’hal Beis Tefiloh 1217 East 36th Street 5:15pm (followed by mincha at 6:00)

Rav and Rosh Yeshivah of Mirrer Yeshiva 1485 East 29th St – Between Kings Highway and Ave P. Women 4:30 – 5:30
Men 5:50 – 6:50

The Tenke Rav, Rabbi Yitzchock Aizik Friedman, 1643 E 21st Street (Bet Ave O & P) 5:40 to 7:00 PM.

Avreichim 1114 Avenue O Rabbi SV Schustal 5:15 (Yiddish/men)

Rabbi Beck 924 East 10th Street Before laining

Rabbi Katz 1516 East 24th street 5:50pm (Yiddish/mem)

Rabbi Reisman 2122 Avenue S 5:50 (men/women)

Rabbi Breuer 2913 Avenue L 5:45 (English/Men) 4:15 (women)

Agudah of Avenue H 817 Avenue H 5:15pm (men/English)

Rabbi Eliezer Ginsburg 2141 Coney Island Avenue 5:45pm (English/men/women)

Rabbi Eisen 2748 Nostrand Avenue 5:00pm (English/men) 4:00pm (Women)

Rabbi Gornish 1421 Avenue O (English) before Laining

Rabbi Mandel 1464 Ocean Parkway 4:30pm (English /women)

Kehilas bais avrohom Rav Bentzion Halberstam East 21st & Avenue J 6:05

Rabbi Schienerman 4:30pm (English/women)
Rabbi Dovid Cohen 1580 Coney Island Ave 5:00pm (mem/women)


Congregation Lubavitch 943 Cummins pkwy Des Moines, IA 50312 Rav: Rabbi Yossi Jacobson Moroh D’asrah of Des Moines Time: 11:30 AM


Harav Gershon Eisenberger will be speaking in Raintree Minyan 1331 Ridge Avenue (corner Ridge and County Line Rd East) Shabbos afternoon at 5:45

Cong Anshe Sfard Drasha 6:20 PM Rav Blech

K’hal Zichron Schneur 280 Oak Knoll Rd. (Rav Osher Chaim Leiberman (1 hour before mincha.)Mincha is around 6:35-6:40


Bais Shmuel 1167 Buckwald Court Rabbi Perl 5:45 pm


Bais Medrash of Kelmwood Rabbi Helberg Kelmwood Ave. & Hillside Blvd. After musaf 10:45

Beis Medrash D’New Central R’ Moshe Wolf 1845 New Central Ave 10:00 approx (before Mussaf)


Rabbi Dovid Weinberger Cong. Shaaray Tefila 25 Central Ave 5:55 PM


North Hendon Adath Yisroel Synagogue Rabbi Dovid Cohn Holders Hill Road, Hendon, London NW4 1NA 7.10PM (after Mincha at 6.40PM)


Bais Medrash Ahavas Yitzchok – Rabbi Rudinsky’s shul on  Forshay Road/Monsey, NY at 5:40

New Hempstead

Khal Siach Yitzchok 36 Fairway Oval corner of Union Road New Hempstead, NY  Rabbi Boruch H. Waldman before Krias HaTorah (approx. 10:00 A.M.)

Pennsylvania Young Israel of The Main Line Rabbi Avraham Steinberg 273 Montgomery Ave. Bala Cynwyd PA, 19004 Mincha 6:40 pm followed by Droshoh

Community Torah Center of Bucks County by its Moreh D’asra, Moreinu Harav Dovid Max Shlit”a at 5:00 for both men and women

Quebec, Canada

Rabbi Whitman, following Minchah which is at 6:00 p.m. Childcare is provided. Everyone is invited. Agudath Israel Poale Zedek Anshei Ozeroff 223 Harrow Crescent, Hampstead, Quebec  H3X 3X7  Canada


Nachalas Yitzchok Rabbi Oelbaum 5:15 73rd ave and Main St Kew Gardens Hills

Rabbi Aryeh Sokoloff  Kew Gardens Synagogue-Adas Yeshurun  84-17 Abingdon Road (cor. Lefferts Blvd) Kew Gardens, NY 11415  6:55 PM

Rav Shaul Arieli Rav of Cong. Ohel Yitzchok in Kew Gardens Hills Queens 137- 58 70 Ave. 6:00PM


Ner yisroel hendon london (UK) Rabbi Kimche after mincha 6.50 pm

Gibraltar Shaar Hashamayim Rabbi Hasid After Shacharit Gibraltar

Rabbi Marcel Bordon will give a drosho on the topic of Heseiboh in the Hendon Beis Hamedrash “The Beis”, Jakobovits Community Centre, The Crest, Hendon, London, UK. Mincha 5:45 pm

Los Angeles

Bais Moshe Yitzchok – ‘MY’ Shul 303 South Highland Avenue Los Angeles, California Morah D’Asrah Harav Chaim Baruch Rubin Shlit’a After Krias HaTorah (10:30am)


South Manchester Synagogue of Bowdon, Harav Y Reuven Rubin, at 6:45 which will be followed by Mincha


Beth Zion 5740 Hudson, Cote Saint-Luc (Montreal) Drasha by Rabbi Shalom Spira Shabbos morning @ 11:00 AM

Cong. Tefiloh Le Moshe 2610 Barclay Avenue, Rav Yechiel Meir Katz @ 5:00


Agudas Yisrael of Forshay, Rabbi Rudinsky, Forshay Road and Parker Blvd. 5:45


Bais Torah U’Teffilah, Aycrigg Ave Rav Menachem Zupnik 5:30

Rabbi Ron Yitzchok Eisenmann, Ahavas Yisroel 181 Van Houten Ave 5:30


Young Israel Ohab Zedek of North Riverdale-Yonkers 6015 Riverdale Avenue Rabbi Shmuel Hain 5:45 PM

Hebrew Institute of Riverdale 3700 Henry Hudson Parkway Rabbi Adam Starr 7:00pm


Rabbi Moshe Kletenik: 7:00PM in the Main Sanctuary, Congregation BCMH

Silver Springs

Young Israel Shomrei Emunah Rabbi Gedaliah Anemer 6:50 1132 Arcola Avenue


Kehilah Kedoisha Lugano Switzerland Bialer Rebbe


Rav Yechezkal Sharga Horowitz in the Spinka “Toldos Tzvi” B”M in Williamsburg Bedford Ave. @ 6:00PM

Zlutchov Shul, 531 Flushing Ave. Rabbi Elazar Shulem Moskowitz Shlit”a Drasha before Kriyas HaTorah Shacharis 9:30 AM

Pupa Bais Medrash, 656 Bedford Ave. Grand Rabbi Yakov Yechezkiya Grunwald Shlit”a
Drasha before Kriyas HaTorah Shacharis 9 AM

4 Responses

  1. I found this list helpful. Went to hear the Rosh Yeshivah at Mir Motzei Shabbos because I found the listing. yosher keiach!

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