The U.S. Congressional Committee on Foreign Affairs voted Tuesday to approve a resolution that calls for the international community to expedite the opening of millions of Nazi files (discussed HERE on YW) on their victims.Eleven countries that have been involved in keeping the archives secret decided this month to open the files by the end of this year. All 11 nations have to ratify the decision, however, before the archives can be opened.
4 Responses
How many of the eleven countries have ratified the resolution besides USA?
Editor – are you able to list the countries that are keeping the archives secret so that maybe someone can put pressure on them to ratify the decision
I too would like to know who are the unholy eleven. But, I think I figured out why they don’t want to open the files. Then survivors like my father would be able to trace what happened to my grandfather’s warehouse and have the evidence needed to get it back or take possesion of the land that it stood on.
I too would like to know who the unholy eleven are. But, it is no secret why they don’t want to open up the archives. Then the survivors and all of their descendents could go after the Swiss bank accounts and all the property that the goyim stole from them including the gold train the U.S. Army got a hold of at the end of the war but somehow or other can not account for it’s where abouts nor it’s contents!