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Lakewood: New Shul being built in Raintree

Just a few short years ago, the Raintree area of Lakewood had no frum Jews living there. Today there are a few dozen frum mishpachos who have made this serene neighborhood their home. Boruch Hashem, the transformation of this neighborhood has necessitated the building of a new Shul, a suitable Makom Torah U’Tefillah for current and future residents of this growing community.A suitable location has been found, and preparations to transform the building into an operational Shul facility have begun. The community anticipates moving into the newly renovated Shul in the near future.

There are scores of houses in the area that are owned by frum Yidden that are currently occupied by non Yiddish renters. The community hopes that the erection of this new Shul will encourage these homeowners to move in, and thus contribute to the positive growth and expansion of the Raintree community.

Dedication opportunities are available. For more information, please call 732-814-7009.

13 Responses

  1. Maybe more Jews will move in – only problem is most homes are owned by “frum” investors who have lowlifes and criminals (drugs etc.) as their tenants – as a result they make this and many other areas in Lakewood VERY HARD to attract frum people to LIVE in the neighborhood.

    Almost ALL these homes owned by “frum” investors are their “investment property” to make $$$$ – and they have (and never did have) any intention of moving in. all THEY care about is themselve$ – they have no regard for other Jews who can’t afford to buy anywhere else – so they make the sacrifice to pioneer a neighborhood. Instead of the housing staying at affordable prices for people to move in and LIVE there, the investors buy out all the cheep homes, thus causing the prices to RISE.

    You can be sure, not one investor will help fund this new shul!! Even though down the line they will benefit financially!!

    TO MKE THINGS WORSE NOW that the market went down, the problem is that these greedy guys WONT SELL at a loss. This can just cause more TRASH tenants to make the neighborhood worse!

    The sad news is – this is happening all over Lakewood, not just Rain Tree!!

  2. Frum blogger:
    Take it easy there a minute-think of it if this way-You saved up for a few years and you were finally able to afford a house (i.e in raintree)-with intentions to move in when you can afford it.You buy it and then the market drops-would you sell it for a $50,000 dollar loss?Or would you find some non jews to rent it for the price they are paying?-(unlike what you can get from frum for rent)
    I’ve got some suspicion you would rather not sell the house to a frum yid for that big loss as just to make sure the neighborhood becomes might just keep it and find someone to rent it untill you can afford those mortgage bills-or you can sell it and make back your principal.
    Now be on That side of the table for a minute-and be honest.
    And as a side point,the investors may have caused some inflation in the prices-but the bottom line is-on the most part-they don’t sell their investment properties to non jews…

  3. To frum blogger:

    Chill out, half of what you are saying is not true and even if there is some truth to it, how do you go off like that in a public forum. Use you common sense!

  4. I wasn’t under the impression that it’s a nice neighborhood, the name it has in Lakewood is not the best, what ever happened with the existing Shul and its Rov? I heard it supposed to be a beautiful Shul anyone knows what will be with that?

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