Miracle in Chicago!

armed gun.jpgA Ness occurred in Chicago on Wednesday afternoon when a Yungerman driving an empty school-bus going to pick up children from a Yeshiva was approached by a man pointing a gun directly at him. The Yungerman started to scream at him to please not shoot and drop the gun. B”H the armed man turned and ran away.

A short while later, two police officers were driving in a police cruiser when they saw a man leaning against a wall of a grocery store. The man, who was on a cell phone, saw the officers and quickly pulled down his shirt over his waistband, the officers later said.

The officers believed he appeared suspicious so they pulled over the police car, exited and approached him, but the man quickly went inside the grocery store. The officers followed and attempted to question him, but kept avoiding the questions. 

A scuffle erupted between them, with the suspect tearing the sleeve off of the officer’s uniform, and attempted to flee, but the other officer grabbed him.

The suspect then pulled a loaded gun from his waistband and the other officer yelled that the suspect was armed. The suspect then raised the gun up toward the eye-level of the officers and, in fear for their lives, the officers fired at him, striking him multiple times, killing him instantly.

Just another Ness, to add to the Yimey Hanissim!

14 Responses

  1. we have many Nissim to celebrate from this episode, the driver, the talmidim, the policemen, and the people in the store. May we continue to celebrate many more Nissim in this month of Gelulah and may we be zocher to all celebrate Pesach in Jerusalem

  2. well i would not call it a ness but maybe hashcachah pratis. it is good news so we wont have the lakewood masmid complaining

  3. Witnesses report that the suspect did not behave as would a criminal intent soley on financial gain, but rather seemed to be looking for a violent confrontation. In addition to accosting the Yungerman, the suspect had been seen walking down the street actually carrying the gun in his hand.

    The miraculous elements are as follows:

    1. Although reports were being called into the police by merchants who had witnessed the suspect displaying a weapon, the officers who actually apprehended him were there completely by chance *and* noticed his furtive behavior.

    2. The police officer who spotted the unusual behavior was not a veteran of the force but a rookie with less than a week of experience on the streets. Note that this is unconfirmed.

    3. Despite a confrontation with the Yungerman and the opportunity to use his weapon, the suspect did not do so.

    Kudos to the 24th Precinct and to the officers involved in this situation. The seriousness with which they did their jobs prevented the tragedy of a disturbed or sociopathic individual from becoming a tragedy for other families, as well. We are all grateful for the Abishter’s intervention.

  4. “The Yungerman started to scream at him to please not shoot “…………I think the ness was………..even though the driver said PLEASE……the guy didnt shoot!!

  5. The way the story is written it could be 2 gunmen. If it is the same criminal then paragraph 2 line 2 should say the not a.

  6. chacham___ i see y”w is listen’ing !!!!!!!!!!!!! b”h we r only seeing simchas on y’w ….. it makes klalyisrael happy once again.

  7. It was actually a liquor store. The officers first shot him in the leg causing him to drop his gun. When he grabbed his gun again and tried to aim at the officers, that’s when they killed him.

    I believe the Ness was that the gunman really had no reason not to shoot the yungerman, and for reasons we’ll never know decided not to.

    In response to eman, the police officers who found him were not involved in the initial call and search, they only chanced upon the gunman not knowing who he was or what he had done. Therefore, in that context of the story, to the police officers he was “a” man, not “the” man.

  8. Yes a Nes. But there are so very many other cases of Yidden getting capped because they ‘shun the gun’. The true NES would have been if the driver was armed with a Glock 31C and protected himself and the children (had they been on the bus) instead of relying on Law Enforcement who can never ne everywhere at once. Wake up. The world will be dramatically different for Yidden as it relates to safety, economics, etc in the next 5 years. Learn how to protect yourselves, folks!

  9. WOW! what a great NES!

    Chicago seems like such a holly place to be!
    im leaving Israel to join all you holly Chicago jews asap.


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