Neturei Karta wants to join new Hamas government

rabbi hirsch.jpg(Image: Father & son) According to Arutz 7, Rabbi Israel Hirsch (Neturei Karta) gave an interview to Arab A-Sinara magazine in which he said that his movement seeks representation in the new Palestinian Authority government. Hirsch’s father, Rabbi Moshe Hirsch, was once a member of Yasir Arafat’s government.“The war in Lebanon showed that the Israeli army is not omnipotent,” Hirsch said. “Thank God, along came Nasrallah and proved this was a lie.” Hirsch told the Nazareth-based newspaper the end of Israel is near. 

(Source: INN)

38 Responses

  1. he is not looking for shidduchim for his kids & gets major money & honour for it, so most people would o it in his state- it’s not forbidden any more than sitting in knesset- just like here you are sitting with reshoi there too, just like here the heter is because you can help clal yisroel. here too.
    p.s. the fact that hirsch said thank you to them that nasrallah proved that the army is not omnipotent, r’ berel soloveitshik R”y Brisk t”l said it is like he is a rodef (i.e. a murderer) for he tells murderers that what they are doing is good.

  2. His father received a salary. I guess he’s looking for one also.

    As Shlomo Hamelech said, “Hakesef ya’aneh es hakol”.

  3. To be frank, I am not easily offended. THIS is offensive, disgusting, and a complete chillul Hashem! How can we a Yehudi confront Amelek properly when we cannot even control ourselves.

  4. As a frum guy i am absolutely sickened by even looking at these people! The problem is they are so convinced in their cause that they even ignore the entire world’s rabbonim who recently signed letters against NK for attending the holocaust denial conference in Iran. All i can say is “kol yisroel yeish lohem cheilek b’olom haboh… Ve’eileh heim SHE’EIN lohem chelek b’olom haboh…”

  5. Why the title “rabbi”? Since they have been placed in Cherem by leading Rabbanim, these Mesayeim LeSoneei Yisrael should not be given any title, not even “mister”!

  6. they should join the iran gov. first ! bec. achmadinjad ym”s support’s hamas . so hamas is like a second step & he’s not goona get so much money from hamas…… anyway i never understud why they (the yerusalme’s) let this clown (hirsh & son) live in mea sheorim ? if the gave”d (r’ y.t. weiss shilt”a ) does not hold what they r doing is right !!!! and most of satmer & the yerusalmeis don’t also hold of them!!!! & after he join’s iran then hamas & iran chould make a “unity” n”k. sound’s crazey but it’s nebach true ………

  7. If they really want to destroy the medina they should join OLMERT’s government.

    Is there any depth which Hirsch (and Friedman) won’t go to in order to get publicity and dirty money? Dam reshoim yerakev.

  8. Feif Un what a great chop (mit a chess)! Maybe now Satmar can protest kaygen these batLOONim as they will be part of a government controling Eyretz Yisruel (rachmunu litzlun)!

  9. I have it on good word that these meshuganas are making an impact on US and world opinion. word is getting out that orthodox jews oppose the state of israel. there tactics are doing what they want. we have little recourse unless we do outlandish things that create media attention like them.

  10. I hope they all get into the Palestinian government. This way they’ll hopefully be kidnaped by one of the rival palestinian groups – and that will be the end of them once in for all.

    I hope Israel revokes their citizenship & they’re forced to move to the palestinian teritories . Then I’m sure we won’t hear from them since the palestinians would probably behead them or hang them in a public square.

  11. To Avraham – I think they SHOULD get a title. Everyone deserves a title. So how about calling them Imam or Mullah or Sheikh???

  12. Get these guys off the streets!!!!!
    Those gartels may be belts, and they’ll blow themselves up –
    Just wondering…They read the koran at the seder?
    They dont need to eat Moror… they look at each other.
    It’s sad 🙁

  13. The new Hammaser Rebbe, will get his salary from the UN (Hey- guaranteed income!) but will take kfitlach too. (Ohev kesef lo yisbah kesef). Potential suicide bombers will come for brochos

  14. these people were paid from arafat here is the link to check it out

    Allotments of large amounts of money to Rabbi Moshe Hirsch, the “foreign minister” of the ultra-orthodox, virulently anti-Zionist Jewish sect known as Neturei Karta. Two extraordinary payments of $25,000 ( January 13, 2002) and $30,000 ( February 14, 2002), show that Arafat often gave payoffs to Hirsch. these documents were found in ramallah during operation defensive shield.

  15. I think Hirsh and son want to join the arabs because tehy wannt those……..
    If they hate israel let them move to Iran. mach shmo, needs some gabboim
    Israel should revoke their citizenship, and they frum community at large should put them in CHEREM

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    Ya know why….. 🙂

  16. Modern Orthodox says:
    ‘Stop giving the NK nutjobs press.’

    This is BAD press, and they deserve it. Imagine if this were not publicized, no one would know to what extent their evil goes!

  17. I don’t see the shtick shebo. I don’t see anything that they did listed in the mishna. I DO see something in your comment listed. The gemara sanhedrin 99b says that a migale panim bitorah shelo kihalacha is worse than an apikoros. the example given is Menashe ben Chizkiya. Rashi explains that he was doresh drashos shel dofi. 2. they would not be considered to be governing the country as they will have no real power. They would only be advising as was done by many rishonim and achronim.

  18. There is not enough understanding on what is going on here. It needs to be understood first that the PA government was part of the US and Zionist setup to have an organization of enforcers under the terms of the “Interim Oslo Accords” which expired in 1999. Thus the PA government is not a legal entity. However, the Zionists have still sought to get the PA officials to serve them as enforcers. People need to notice that Hamas has not engaged in any action for 2 years as they were starting to play politics. Everyone knows the PA is nothing, and has no power, and cannot even collect garbage without permission. And Hamas has already stated that they accept previous agreements, basically recognizing the State of Israel, even though the Zionists are unhappy with that level of recognition. And along come some people in the name of anti-Zionism/Neturei Karta to join this operation, which even many Palestinians realize is useless and with no power or independence, and is UNDER the State of Israel in one way or the other. Is anyone paying attention??!! This means that even NK want to join in on the action and recognize the State of Israel through the back door, just like Hamas has done, following Fatah. Forget the slogans and superficialities. Look into this more deeply!

  19. Where do these people live, and what shul accepts this guy? It intriuges me to think that this guy is really frum and actually posses Torah knowledge.

  20. Attention Dovdov: Hamas sends about a gazillion rockets everday into Israel, and still has not officially even accepted Israel as a real state. What are you talking about. Yes this entire this is a ruse so NK can become part of Israel- that does not make much sense.

  21. Baki, Still awaiting your response

    y.k. Says:

    March 14th, 2007 at 4:56 am
    Baki who knows it all:

    Please post your credentials as a Posek.

    Oh, thank you.

    One more thing Baki:

    Where is the Gemara about, “Kol haposel mimumo posel”. It seems to be quite relevant over here

  22. My sources are clearly stated. If you understand them differently or dispute the way I applied them say so and write why. If you write something with merit I will either explain my position or retract. My posts are always thought out and I usually recheck my sources before posting them. I wish that others would do the same and not post things when they have on idea if what they are saying is true. When I respond to someone else’s source I will always look it up to check if I an responding correctly. I call upon you to do the same instead of posting baseless accusations. My credentials are therefore irrelevant. Kabel haemes mimi sheomro. R’ Akiva Eger writes (Hakdama to Shu”t) to follow what he wrote not because he wrote it but by looking up his sources and then making an informed decision. Please do the same. Until you write an intelligent response to my sources I cannot tell you more.

  23. Sephardicpride, I know that. Buit this is not the point. I am talking about the factual geo-political situation. In any case, the Qassam are fired by Islamic Jihad, which refuses to play the games Hamas is playing – hoping that somehow everyone will sit up and notice that Hamas are trying to be good boys politically. However, you should also know that Neturei Karta is divided into 3 or 4 groups today, and no longer is the same entity that existed 30 years ago. Most critics of NK relate to it in comparison to what existed 30 years ago, and this makes no sense. If anyone is interested, I can detail some of the developments as they exist TODAY.

  24. It should also be noted that NK is not a formal organization, has no membership committee or a Moetzes. People who are self-identified as NK are people who are opposed to the existence of the Zionist state and any participation with the state, and oppose the hypocrisy of the current Satmar leadership, which is AT BEST wishy-washy on the issue overall. By the way, it should be noted that people who usually talk about about Satmar ALSO conceive of it as it existed 30 years ago. But this too is not the case. There are today: Aroni Satmar, Zaly Satmar, Bnai Yoel Satmar and unaffiliated Satmar. There are pro-NK Satmar and anti-NK Satmar. Unfortunately most Jews have still not caught up with what is really going on inside the non-Agudist haredi world.

  25. Correction: There are some who call themselves NK who are actually affiliated with the Zaly Satmar leadership, and therefore at odds with those of NK who publicize anti-Zionism in a way that makes Satmar uncomfortable for reasons of community politics, etc. etc.

  26. These guys should be put in charim right away.I want to let every body know “Rabbi” Moshe Hirsch learned in Mesivta Yeshiva Chaim Berlin. When Rav Yitzchok Hutner ZTL was roshe yeshiva. ( see Rabbi Stoplers book Purim in a new light)

  27. p.s. kol haposel…. is on kiddushin 70a&b. It is discussing one who REGULARLY accuses of pgam mishpacha. This is clearly stated there. Besides, Rashi there says that this is since a pagum has this in his nature. It would therefore not apply here in either case. You too should check your sources.

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