NYC Officials: Don’t inflate Pesach prices!

matzoh.jpgJust in time for Pesach, NYC officials urged businesses to keep the price of kosher foods in check. Consumer Affairs Commissioner Jonathan Mintz joined elected officials at Streit’s Matzo factory on the Lower East Side Thursday. Even though they say there have not been any reports of price inflation on kosher foods this year, they say businesses and consumers should be on the look-out.“We have so many people that during this special holiday are very struggling to make ends meet and struggling to do the extra effort,” said City Councilman Leroy Comrie. “And for people to unnecessarily spike their prices, to take advantage of them, is just something we cannot tolerate.”

Anyone who notices a spike in prices is urged to call 3-1-1 or go to

(Source: NY1)

One Response

  1. I dont know what its like in the states, but in Manchester, England a number of products are cheaper for pesach than during the year – some by quite a nice margin. eg matzos, nuts, potato crisps among other things. I suppose the costs are higher on some products but on other products they know they sell in such bulk that they can drop prices to help out at this expensive time of year. A Kosheren Pesach to all

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