NYC: Billboards promoting Governor Spitzer tax plan.

spitzer.jpgA coalition of religious groups is sponsoring a billboard along the Prospect Expressway promoting Governor Spitzer’s proposed tax deduction for private school tuition. The deduction would let families with salaries below $125,000 get up to $1,000 a child for private and parochial school tuition.

The ad shows the end of a gnawed pencil and reads: “Don’t let the Assembly erase Governor Spitzer’s historic tax deduction for tuition.” It’s paid for by TEACH NYS, a lobbying group representing mostly Brooklyn-based religious leaders. A spokesman for the group, Michael Tobman, said they chose the Prospect Expressway to catch the eyes of state lawmakers from South Brooklyn heading to Manhattan.

(Source: NY Sun)

One Response

  1. A deduction of $1,000 is really worth max $65 and that is if you are in the top tax bracket.
    Most yeshiva parents with children are nowhere near that making this from a dollar perspective worth almost nothing.
    I will only be used by yeshivas a another excuse to raise tuition by $1,000.
    Buyer beware.

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