Edison: A miracle in the month of Nisan

There was a very serious accident yesterday morning, when a van traveling from Edison, New Jersey carrying ten high school girls, on its way to various schools in Brooklyn, skidded on black ice on the 440 Ramp in Staten Island and overturned. Miraculously, All the girls were able to get out except one girl who needed to be extricated by emergency workers.
B”H, except for one broken bone and a few girls who needed some stitches, all the girls are in pretty good shape. Based on eyewitness accounts, it is a Nais Goluy that no one was more seriously hurt. This is the Zman of Nissim Gluyim, and this was certainly one of them.
We must all say a Kapital Tehillim, this time to THANK HASHEM, for saving these B’nos Yisroel from greater harm.

(YW Edison reporter)

23 Responses

  1. Just amazing….not ONE comment!

    Everyone complains that there is never good news on YW.

    Here it is, and not one comment…..

    How pathetic.

  2. Fact Finder,

    Good news will NEVER garner the same morbid attention as bad news. Just listen to the radio headlines and it is 99.9% bad news. That’s what attracts people’s attention. I’m no psychologist, but there must be some deep mental reason for this.

    I, for one, was getting ready to comment:

    Boruch Hashem. Modim Anachnu Loch – Al Hanisim Shebachol Ais Erev V’Voker!!!

    And a Refuah Sheleima to those girls that were hurt. May HB”H grant you a speedy recovery.

  3. unbelievable – thank you hashem for watching out for us all the time even when it is not so goluy. like when my 4 yr old ran across the street and BORUCH HASHEM there were no cars coming and he is OK!!!!

  4. Fact Finder – You are right. The Torah specifiaclly says, “Tachas Asher Lo Uvadatah… B’SIMCHA U’BTUV LEIVOV…”
    Hashem, please forgive us if we “krechtz” more than we thank you for all the wonderful things you have bestowed upon us.

    In fact, let us start from the beginning: I woke up today? Put my feet on the ground? Was able to chew my bagel without having it pureed? Was able to see
    the traffic light change from red to green? Was happy with the way our son’s Rebbi is teaching him? Was able to pay my bills?

    These are things we taje advantage of all day! Perhaps one of the kavanos we should have in mind when we recite pokeach ivrim is that Hashem should allow us to see His wonders each and every day – and not wait, chas v’shalom, until something happens that will really make us appreciate what we are missing.

    G’Day friends…

  5. okey so i’m leaving a comment know, buroch heshem we should only hear of good news,we should’nt hear of any more tragedys

  6. this is what im talking about !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! good news !!!!!!!!!! thats what evryone wants to see on y”w …. this blog is not ment 4 sad news. if you want sad news then log on 2 an arab blog bec. there”s lots of sad news there (just look at iraq .almost evryday there r people die’ng by terror . we only want 2 see simcha’s in klal yisrael……

  7. of coarse it is an open nes and we must thank hashem and the fathers of those girls must bentch gomel
    but we must all drive with more caution especially those 15 pass vans dont hold the road as well as cars or minivans being its so high off the ground
    extra caution must be given when driving a vechicle that doesnt have good traction especially in rain or snow

    a cahg kosher vesomeach to all yiden may we only share good news

  8. Fact Finder: It’s amazing how YOU see the negative in an otherwise positive posting! Just say Thank You to Hashem without haughtily criticizing the rest of Klal Yisroel please.

  9. i know all the girls who were on this van thank goodness they are all right!! BARUCH HASHEM!!!!!!! those who were injured should have a full and speedy recovery!!!!!

  10. “Chasdei Hashem ki lo samnu ki lo chalu rachamuv,”

    The chesed of Hashem surrounds us at all times. We just have to be smart enough to perceive it.

  11. Boruch Hashem no one was seriously hurt. Reminder to all of the importance of wearing a seatbelt if even in the back seat. I sat in the front seat (driver’s side) when a car went into my door. I had a black & blue stripe across my chest from the seat belt. If I did not have on the belt I would have been through the window. DWKL1 is right. Minivans & 15 passenger vans have more of a rollover incidence (lo aleinu). Drive carefully, don’t speed, put on seat belts & don’t talk on cell phones. An accident can happen even if we are careful. (I don’t mean that this driver wasn’t careful). It’s just a reminder to all to be safe. A kosherin Pesach to YW editor and readers.

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