Karl Rove gets subpoenaed

karl rove funny.jpgA House subcommittee has just voted to authorize subpoenas for President Bush’s key adviser, Karl Rove, and other top White House aides, in the probe of ousted U.S. attorneys. 

4 Responses

  1. This has been extensively been covered in the regular media. We Yidden are to keep an eye on this. This is how Hillary Clinton plans to become president. It is also how Barack Obama plans to become president. Don’t count on Barack Obama being a Oheiv Yisrael. Louis Farrakhan already has called him a beautiful man!

  2. The “Democrabs” have finally found something to sink their claws into.I’m sure those fired liberal Federal prosecuters had to go !

  3. Glad to see everyone is a RIGHT thinking person here. This is a fishing expedition to try and get to the president himself. Perhaps the Libs should try and get something accomplished instead of crying over the loss of the 2000 and 2004 Presidential elections, they would get someplace. WAIT A MINUTE!! Let them keep messing up.

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