7,000 French Jews ask USA for Asylum

More than 7,000 French Jews have signed a petition asking for political asylum in the United States because of anti-Semitism in France.The petition was sent to the U.S. Congress and asks it to enact a law according French Jews refugee status.

Some French Jewish leaders were outraged: “This petition is bizarre, stupid and out of place,” said Chaim Musicant, director of CRIF, the umbrella organization of secular French Jewish groups.

(Source: INN)

16 Responses

  1. French Jewish leaders outraged? are they blind or stam dumb? I know personally of cases where shops have been vandalized, kids cant wear yarmulkes on the way to school…afiloo tourists cant wear them in public!! The anti semitism in france is rampant and OBVIOUS!!there are over 6 million arabs there!!!need I say more??

  2. “yehudi echad…why cant u be a jew and secular at the same time?”

    A question of semantics. Is it a secular leader, who is Jewish? A Jewish leader (emphasis on ‘Jewish’, meaning, of Jewish aka Torah matters) who is secular? If the latter, being a ‘Jewish’ leader and ‘secular’ is an oxymoron. If the former, it’s sad, but not an inappropriate wording.

  3. To call him the leader of the “ovrei averos” might make more sense. Now would that mean that he does more averos? Or does the leader do less?? Hmmmmm…..

  4. In France, a secular Jewish leader is a throwback to the days of Napoleon and considers himself a Frenchman first and a Jew a very distant second. “Court Jew” and “Ma Yoffis Jew” are also valid descriptions of the leaders of the CRIF.

    BH Chabad and others have made huge inroads in bringing Yiddishkeit to Jews in France. These so-called secular leaders represent few and in essence serve as government mouthpieces who try to show that there is no French anti-Semitism.

  5. sayit – The malchei shel chesed is where these yiden want to come to. Apparently the malchus’ reputation is reknown amongst all yidden.

  6. Joseph, your right.
    France has been anti semitic ever since. But now it’s only getting worse with the big & growing muslim population.

  7. The Muslims divide the world into two regions, Shat al Arab, and Shat al Harb (from Cherev).

    France was recently declared by them to have moved from the latter to the former.

    V’hameivin yavin.

  8. Shazam – you mean Dar ul-Islam – Realm of Islam (not all Muslims are Arabs and there are Arabs who are not Muslims) and dar ul-Harb – indeed, Realm of the Sword. Shatt ul-Arab is how Arabs refer to the Persian Gulf – cf: shayit (sailing) in Hebrew.

  9. of course the secular jews are outraged. The target of 99% of the anti-semitism in France is the frum community. The secular Jews are engaged in the process of assimilating anyway. Let us all keep quiet so they can go on with their goals.

  10. ravizzy
    you really do not mean we should ignore as our brothers assimilate and go astray. We need them to get to our final redemption.

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