STRIKE!!! Thousands of Yeshiva Bochrim stranded

sorry were closed.jpgThe public sector general strike began Wednesday morning after last minute talks between the Histadrut and the Finance and Interior Ministries broke down. The National Labor Court had postponed the strike until 9AM to allow more time to solve the crisis of unpaid local and religious council workers.Making one concession, the Histadrut said it would open Ben Gurion Airport on Thursday to let in one incoming flight – so England’s national soccer team could land in time for the crucial Euro 2008 Championship qualifier match against Israel at Ramat Gan on Saturday.

The Histadrut announced it would allow the English team to land Thursday evening so it could prepare for its showdown with Israel. Eini said he did not want to want to spoil the fun, or Israel’s chance of advancing, by forcing the game to be called off. So the Histadrut will allow the English team, match judges and other essential personnel to land.

There are currently thousands of American Yeshiva Bochrim who were supposed to return home for Bain Hazmanim (which started yesterday).

YW will keep you posted on this developing story……

18 Responses

  1. from, Histadrut official says “General strike likely over within hours”

    so they may be hope for all the Bochrim coming home

  2. shmeel, you shouldn’t talk like that. you may get accused here of being a nk sympathizer (as a non-zionist is apt to be.)

  3. I sympathize with all the yeshiva bachurim (but iyh they will still be able to get home), however ,my father who was a rav in yerushaliyim for many years has not recieved his pension for over 5 months its erev pessach for him too.

  4. I am wondering why the frum world doesn’t come out to condemn the fact that thousands of workers are not getting salaries for some time now. It is really terrible.

    I hate these strikes & I am no fan of the histadrut. But….doesn’t the Torah prohibit keeping back wages?

  5. Feif Un:

    May we remind you how the Nazi-wanna-be Israeli GESTAPO beat innocent people just a few months ago in Meah Shearim?

    How they stormed into the Mir Yerushalayim spraying tear-gas, knocking hundreds of shtenders onto the floors (pictures were on Yeshivaworld)?

    How they evicted hundreds of families from their homes two summers ago?

    How they made an unknown amount of childred completely frei by snatching them away from their parents and placing them on kibutzim to do slave labor???

    Should I keep going? 

  6. Thank you bloggers who stay on the subject (the rest must be frustrated journalists & people). The CHOFETZ CHAIM writes in his sefer, “Ahavas Chesed” regarding the payment of wages for employees. One is not permitted to withhold payment for even a day, rather then retiring to sleep an employer must pay his employee. STRIKES, BOYCOTTS, SLOWDOWNS, are all within the parameters of preserving the rights of workers.
    For all the owners and employers this probably is of no help,,,many of us workers in the USA are hoping to receive our salaries in full (not postdated checks) before the Yom Tov arrives. I agree with the rights of WORKERS until the day that i become the “BOSS”.(ha, ha)

  7. on the aiport websites, it seems the flights have been delayed by a few hours. Hardly called stranded.
    TOwn crier – hahahaha
    sabra – have never seen so many boys and girls home so early before. Can’t be that they are all on shidduchim!

  8. Isnt it terrible that the Histadrut announced that it would allow the English team to land on Thursday for the football match on SHABBOS!!! They couldnt face missing up on a chance to be Mechalel Shabbos nebach. Lihyot Chofshi B’artzeinu…

  9. to shticky guy…i do believe the soccer match is on sunday. but of course being mechalel shabbos makes a much better read!!!!!

  10. to jl… actually the match IS on shabbos and NOT sunday. Check for yourself. Halevaay it wasnt but unfortunately it definitely is.

  11. like zionists always did, turned off people from learning & onl made it harder for them. yemac shemom.
    p.s. the match s after nacht in eretz yisrael but the preparations and travelling will be on shabbos so you’re both right

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