E”Y: R’ Nosson Kessler Z”L killed in car accident

112.jpgIn Hadasa Ein Kerem Hospital, Rav Nosson Kessler Z”L was Niftar a short while ago, from injuries sustained in a terrible accident which occurred late Monday night. He was one of six passengers who were in a taxi (Monit Geulah) which was traveling on the road from Yerushalayim to Bnei Brak when it overturned injuring him critically, and wounding another 2 seriously. He was 49 years old, father of 10 children, and the son of Rav Avrohom Kessler Shlita, one of the Roshei Yeshivos of Yeshiva Tiferres Tzion. Boruch Dayan Emmes….

(Photo Credit: HNN)

5 Responses

  1. buroch dayan emmes when will all these tragedys stop already every week we see more and more car accsidents we know everything that happens is beshert its all up to heshem all that happens we have to do tvahua

  2. It will stop when we do what Ha’shem wants us to do. These are just messages from Ha-shem to do Teshuvah.

  3. Baruch dayan emes.
    So sad,
    Every couple days we hear of another tragedy.
    I’m still waiting for the YOM TEFILLA in Lakewood & Boro Park.
    Is there any fund set up yet, so people can send money to the ALMONOH & YESOMIM ?

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