Montreal: YMCA removes frosted glass & adds blinds

Update to the story posted on YW (HERE) about a Montreal Shul who paid a local gym to frost their windows: A Montreal YMCA is removing frosted glass installed to protect the innocent eyes of young Orthodox Jewish students from scantily clad exercisers but the windows will be covered with blinds. YMCA management tried to be good neighbours, allowing a member of the Jewish community to pay to have the windows frosted.

A female exerciser then started a petition and complained about being hidden behind the frosted glass.

The YMCA decision is not the only ruling on adapting to minorities raising hackles in Quebec these days.

The series of controversies over reasonable accommodation for minorities has led Premier Jean Charest to order an inquiry into the matter.

(Source: Macleans)

4 Responses

  1. The YMCA is trying to accomodate everyone involved and that is very nice of them. They certainly don’t _have_ to accomodate the Orthodox Jews.

  2. Honestly, Can’t we just cross over the street rather than walk on the block of the YMCA when exercise classes are in operation? Is this asking too much of the YMCA to frost their windows, and will it cause animosity?

  3. I realize that I am months behind on this issue, but now that I have read it I have a suggestion. I am not a materials expert so I don’t know what this technology is called, but I was in a shul in Monsey (KAJ) that has the type of window that could resolve the situation. During the day, you cannot see in from outside, but you can see outside from within. At night, the situation is reversed, and those inside have a mirror. This type of window, if used in the Y would prevent people from seeing in during the day while preserving the “natural light” so necessary for the latest forms of meditation. At night, there is little natural light lost and the Y can pull the shades down.

    Anyone think this is a good idea?

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