Lakewood: Shatnez found in 200 suits

shatnez.jpgOver 200 suits were discovered that they contained Shatnez at a Lakewood suit store. Shatnez testers are working around the clock to remove all Shatnez before the Yom Tov mad rush arrives.

Picture: Rabbi Yoel Schochet, a known Shatnez tester from the Lkwd Shatnez Center holding up the actual Shatnez. (Photography Plaza)


8 Responses

  1. what difference does it make which store it was- its being removed. to say is likely lashon hara as it would cause the owner pain.

  2. people from out of town like me who bought suits in lakewood have to know if we have a problem if you dont want to say directly please email me

  3. “what difference does it make which store it was”

    Hello! So that those who bought suits there would know to check.

  4. Fact Finder: Are you a rav? Have you heard of miyuta d’miyuta? Here’s a fact for you to find: It’s not so clear that all suits need checking. Speak to your CLOR.

    And hello, if all suits need checking anyway, what’s the point of YW posting this alert? Ela mai, it’s b/c sometimes people do not check and must therefore be informed when there is a definite ch’shash. Which is why I asked for the name of the store.

  5. why is anyone assuming that any were actually sold it doesn’t say anything about a consumer alert. we seem to be dealing with a responsible store owner so why shouldn’t we assume that he’ll let up know he its nogea. re: checking suits there are signs from the badatz that all suits should be checked.

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