Israel: Drill simulating massive missile attacks

hazmat suits.jpgTuesday will mark Israel’s Home Front Command’s first country-wide drill to simulate major conventional and unconventional terror attacks, Ynetnews reported. All of Israel’s rescue services will be involved in the drill, which will begin with the sounding of a siren at 2 pm Tuesday. The siren will be heard from southern Israel and north to Hadera.The Home Front Command decided not to sound the siren in the north and in Gaza vicinity communities so as not to panic the people. The north was pelted with thousands of Katyusha rockets launched from Lebanon by Hizbullah last summer and Israeli communities in the Gaza area — such as Sderot — are victim to constant Palestinian Kassam attacks. A siren like the one planned for tomorrow could be mistake for a real emergency.

The drill is aimed at testing the Home Front’s preparedness for different emergency scenarios, with the goal of implementing the lessons learned from the second Lebanon war.

Among the scenarios to be tested are a missile attack on a building in Netanya, causing the three-story house to collapse, and a missile landing at the Reading Power Station in Tel Aviv, causing a large number of casualties.

The rescue services will be sent to other “missile landing” areas in Petah Tikva and in a community center in Jaffa. In Be’er Sheva the drill will simulate a “mega-terror attack,” simultaneous to a heavy barrage of rockets in southern Israel, injuring many people.

4 Responses

  1. 1. Not drinking OU-P Coke on Pesach is a chumrah, at best a d’Rabbonon.

    2. Disparaging people (whether it’s Joseph, or people who DO drink OU-P Coke on Pesach) is a D’Oraisa.

    V’hameivin Yavin.

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