R’ Sholom Karolitzky Z”L

candle5.gifYW regrets to inform the Lakewood community of the Levaya for R’ Sholom Karolitzky Z”L which will take place at K’hal Zichron Shneur in Lakewood (today) at 1:30PM. He was Niftar late last night at the young age of 49 years old. May he be a Maylitz Yosher for his Almanah and five children. Boruch Dayan Emmes….

10 Responses

  1. the levaya will then go to jfk….. Sholom was a true masmid and omal btorah, and michayev to all those around him. It is a huge loss for Lakewood and all of klal yisroel

  2. He was very sick for the last few months…
    The family should have a nechama andhe should be a Melitz Yosher for his family and all of Klal Yisroel.

  3. sholom a”h was a true ben torah masmid and a true mentch sholoms sharp mind and great personality will be missed yhei zichron boruch

  4. hespedim were said by R’ Osher Chaim Lieberman, 3 Lakewood Roshei yeshiva, R Berel Shachar, his shver Rav Kushner, a brother in Law r Yosef Taub, his chavrusa Yossie Berger and his 3 sons – all gave a powerful descrition of a special ben torah

  5. The niftar’s oldest son, Osher Yaakov went along with the Niftar’s nephew.
    I do not know te details of where the levaya will be.

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