Israel: “Schnorror cops”!!

mishtara.jpgWe’ve all been approached by them at major intersections – beggars, many of whom appear to be homeless, walking patiently from car to car asking for donations as drivers wait for a red light to turn green. Some drivers give and some roll up their windows – but almost none suspect that the street beggar seeking their change might actually be a policeman, who would in a flash give them something in return, if warranted – a ticket for running a red light.

An observant driver waiting by the side of a major intersection noticed the phenomenon, a media report said yesterday – and the National Traffic Police admitted that the program was indeed in place. The “homeless” officers observe the traffic as it passes through an intersection, and if a car passes a red light – or enters the intersection after a yellow light has already flashed – the undercover traffic cop radios ahead to a proper policeman on the other side of the cross street, who proceeds to pull the driver over and issue him or her with a summons for driving through a red light – which, today, will cost drivers NIS 1,000.

Police said this was a far more effective system than just leaving a police van or car at an intersection – which caused drivers, of course, to behave properly at that intersection, but led them to revert to their dangerous ways further down the road. “Once they get a NIS 1000 ‘lesson,’ though,” said one police officer, “they tend to slow down and respect red lights and stop signs when they continue on their way – especially after getting a ticket from a street beggar,” the officer said.


5 Responses

  1. In Israel although people generally drive more aggressively, running red/yellow lights is less of a problem than it is in the US.

  2. Shocking!!
    Using good will of tzedokeh? What if someone wants to escape from potential violence of the street shnorrer.
    This reminds me of another shocker.
    A homeless women approched a flafel store to give her Pita ends to eat. After a few months the Israeli IRS showed up with a bill!
    Guess what everyone stopped giving free lunches to street people.
    The end does not always justify the means.
    Sabra chutzpeh, and lacking of kovod hachareaidim.

  3. Not all schnorrers are chareidim (some are drug addicts). I think it’s a great idea, but a better idea would be traffic cameras, something they’ve been doing more and more in the US. They’re completely automatic, and the pictures they take of cars going through red lites stand up in court. In fact, you can put cheap decoy cameras in even more places to save costs, and they will have the same effect as the real ones.

  4. There needs to be a national initiative about traffic safety. THE SINGLE BIGGEST KILLER FORM UNNATURAL CAUSES IN ISRAEL IS FROM TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS. When G-d forbid there is a terrorist attack, or there is sickness, there is much less that we, al pi derech hateva, can do. We cry for the tzaros. maybe we get angry at the terrorists. However, how can we justify all those Yesomim OF WHICH THERE IS A FAR GREATER AMOUNT, R”L, that have come about because of lack of traffic safety? Of course this not a blanket rule, but if anybody spent any amount of time in Israel, both in the streets, or on thehighways, you know just how much of this is, al pi derech hateva, avoidable.
    Of course everything is up to the Ribono Shel Olam, but our hishtadlus is critical. Think of the amazing Zechus of those who created life-saving initiatives which work al pi derech hateva, such as Hatzalah, medical referals, Dor Yeshorim; the list, boruch Hashem goes on and on.
    We must start the conversation. LO SAAMOD AL DAM REIACHA!!!!

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