R’ Tzvi Aryeh Asia ZATZAL

candle4.gifIMG_1859.jpgYW regrets to inform you of the Petira of Rav Tzvi Aryeh Asia ZATZAL. He was a Stoliner and was a long time Talmid and Mispallel in the Mir. He was most probably one of the oldest “Alter Mirrer” alive until his passing earlier today at the age of 94. His Levaya will take place on Motzei Shabbos at 8:30PM in front of Stolin Bais Medrash in Boro Park (16th Ave & 47th Street). The Aron [might pass Mirrer Yeshiva and] will then be taken to Eretz Yisroel. Boruch Dayan Emmes….

6 Responses

  1. what a great tzaddik. I remember watching him daven on yomim noroim in the Mir. A real quite unassuming Tzadik

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