Just another day in Eretz Yisroel…..

hn6.jpgClick HERE to view the rest of these amazing pictures! Boruch Hashem no one was injured seriously in this accident in Har Nof yesterday!

22 Responses

  1. Hodu L’Hashem Ki Tov Ki Laolam Chasdo! Hashem is watching over us the week is ending in a good state and iy”h next week should be a better week.

  2. B”H no injuries – sorry I can’t comment more – my wife had a boy yesterday – mazel tov – have to get ready for the Sholom Zochor – GUt Shabbos

  3. For all of you that don’t believe this mirecal it only hapend do to all the TOHRA And MITVOS that is being LERAND AND DONE IN THIS HOLY PART OF THE HOLY CITY

  4. ‘only in Israel’
    There are Nissim BH in Chutz Laaretz as well , the shechina is all over guarding us with extra malochim. Chasdei Hashem…

  5. its about time that i log in 2 y”w & i see b”h good news!!!! let’s hope it continue’s this way ….. thank you y”w 4 listening 2 all the readers out there !!!

  6. there wouldnt have been anyone in the bus but the driver that picture is taken at the bus depot at the top of Har nof
    miracle he wasn’t hurt though

  7. These eged bus drivers should take this almost tragedy seriously and stop driving like maniacs. Thank g-d nobody got hurt.The bottom line is , they should slow down and drive like a mentch so that accidents like this can be avoided.

  8. I actually saw the bus myself in Har Nof. The bus was parked in the Har Nof bus station just that the driver forgot to put on the emergency brake.

  9. The miracle is that kitzur had a baby and has no time to post! Mazel tov to him and all in klall yisroel that had simchos this shabbos!

    Important, this shabbos a shul in lakewood was broken into. I don’t think a lot was taken from the shul, maybe a few dollaars from the pushka, there was some damage (broken light bulbs).
    But whats nogea to all, they took someones car keys, and drove off with his car!
    Please be carefull where you leave your car keys over shabbos.
    Hashem should help him retrieve his car, and continue to watch over us all.

  10. nameless, it’s true that there are nisim all over the world but E.Y. has a special place & the shechina is especiall here. You can just feel it. Also someone said abut the Egged bus drivers being maniacs well let me tell you that is far from the truth ture it might look like it but if you look at them closer you will see how they just manover & get out of things B’H. Also about people always complaining that YWwrites all the news if you don’t like it don’t look at it after all that is what they’re here for & if they won’t write we won’t wake up from our sleet that Ha-shem is seinding us messages.

  11. i think that it should not b called y”w it should b called “the sad world.com “bec. most of the reports r sad but once in a blue moon they find some good news !!!!!

  12. I don’t understand why people keep on complaining about YW news that is what they’re here for to give us the news. Why do people have to complain so much how about praising them instead & telling them what a great job they’re doing!? Keep up the GREAT work. Thanks YW.

  13. Assuming the comment of yerushalmi yid is accurate and not put in as a joke (that ‘I actually saw the bus myself in Har Nof. The bus was parked in the Har Nof bus station just that the driver forgot to put on the emergency brake’), this should serve as a good lesson not to jump up and down whenever something happens that seems ‘special’. Hakodush Boruch Hu does enough chasadim for klal yisroel that we do not need to make up extra ones.

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