Starting life anew….

mazel tov.jpgAn Israeli who lost his entire family to a Palestinian terrorist attack had a child with his second wife. A daughter was born this week to David Hatuel, 37, a former Gaza Strip settler, and his wife, Limor, Ynet reported Thursday. Three years ago Hatuel’s pregnant first wife, Tali, and their four daughters were killed in a roadside ambush by Palestinian gunmen. (JTA)

15 Responses

  1. mi keamcha yisroel!
    this man’s response to the unfathomable tragedy he experienced is an inspiration to us all.
    that he has had the bitochon and personal strength to remarry and have another child, just fills me with hope and pride in my fellow Jew.
    Mazel Tov Chatuel Family and may you be blessed with only more simchos in the future!

  2. What a tremendous chasdei hashem to begin anew..
    Gdwilling we should see continued chiyus to all those who were expelled from Gush Katif in building new lives.

  3. This man is amazing.I was sick to the core after that story.He had his own Holocost.Hy”d.May he only see simcha in his life.

  4. David Hatuel is an amazing person . He stayed with us twice. He has tremendous emuna. We all could learn from him. I wish him much nachas with his new family.

  5. Not to diminish in any way this example of bitochon, let us not forget that this amazing characteristic is built into Klal Yisroel. How many holocaust survivors had the bitochon to rebuild their lives after losing spouses and children in that nissoyon?

    Indeed, mi ke’amchah Yisroel!

  6. Boruch hatov vehameitiv!

    Indeed, David Hatuel experienced a level of horror that we thought Jews would no longer have to experience after the Shoah.

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