Eretz Yisroel: Bank Yerushalayim offering Pesach loans

israeli currency.jpgBank Yerushalayim has identified the chareidi public’s financial needs for Pesach and has designed a unique solution: “a Pesach loan without enslavement.” The bank offers you a convenient solution to plan your expenses, a payment schedule and a payment track to help you escape the shibud.

Bank Yerushalayim conducted an inquiry and found the added Pesach expenses for a well-established family may be as high as NIS 23,000 ($5,500). Therefore every Bank Yerushalayim customer who has a mortgage loan at the bank can receive a general loan of up to NIS 23,000 to help finance Pesach expenses, with 12 monthly payments at a cost of 5.5 percent. To receive the loan there is no need for guarantors since the loan is granted based on collateral in the form of savings or an apartment already mortgaged to the bank.

Bank Yerushalayim CEO David Baruch said the holiday loans are available at the Bnei Brak branch, the Geula branch and other branches serving the chareidi and religious sectors. “For 15 years the bank has financed a large portion of mortgage loans for building initiatives for the chareidi and religious public,” says Mr. Baruch. “It’s only natural that the bank offer financial solutions for families and customers with the arrival of Pesach.”

(Source: Dei’ah veDibur)

14 Responses

  1. The owner, manager of the bank will get a big zechus for helping people have a happy pesach not worried about not having food.

  2. Many can benefit from these loans within religious circles, it is unfortunate that it is only available to those who have a mortgage at the bank.
    What about the renters? I guess “Pamonim” and other tzedakah funds can help them….

  3. WHY?

    Because when people like YOU travel to Eretz Yisroel, they use ZIONIST money.

    And every single one of the Yerushalami Mishpachos who live in Batei Natan and Batei Ungaren, who get this loan, will be getting NIS. Not US Dollars.

    Get it?

  4. Joseph: Why are you driving y.w. crazy on E.S. and unfortunately we can’t change the currency it is just a picture of the currency nothing else. Get it.

  5. YW, take a chill please. As far as these loans go, while I understand the need for it, it is so unfortunate that people need to take out loans to make Pesach, it’s sad. How can one enjoy the holiday, knowing he is now in debt from it.? Unfortunately, for many of our brothers in Israel, being in debt has become a way of life.

  6. I’m not sure I will use a dollar bill anymore, Washington was a two-timing illiterate……..

    Edited by Site Staff

  7. please dont forget the intrest at 5.5 % it would be a lot nicer if no intrest . i wish these people would not need the loans .

  8. Homebody & truth
    Being in debt and having debts is part of living. Our expenses rise and our income plummets, in the USofA and in Israel. Try living on social security with no pension, we will be hearing of increased debts in the time to come. We should start thinking of a solution since fundraising wll not be the answere.

  9. Could someone please explain to us chutzies how one can take out these loans, given they are charging interest (ribbis)? Is there a Heter Iska with the bank?

  10. shazam heter iska with all the banks in Israel.
    Banking is a business and a mighty profitable one also, ask the Rothschilds who were the first moneylender family in Europe.

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