The best of Hamas TV

hamas.jpgIn a stomach-turning video clip from Al Aqsa TV (the Hamas television station) broadcast on March 8, 2007, the children of female suicide bomber Rim Al-Riyashi talk happily about their mother’s act of mass murder. Click HERE to view.

4 Responses

  1. This is truly nauseating. Is it any wonder that these children will grow up to be murderers and terrorists like their mother, YS”V?! Truly horrifying.

  2. We know that everything comes from Hashem. We know that our enemy is within. We know that Hashem only uses these “people” as His tool to wake us up.

    Af al pi kain, this is very difficult to see. Such evil. We’ve become so cold towards Arabs that it is difficult to feel rachmunis for these children, but how can one feel anything other than hatred towards the evil of their parents and rachmunis for the children who later become the parents.

  3. Absolutely sickening! Please forward this video to as many people (especially goyim) as possible to show what people we are dealing with.

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