Beit Shemesh: Sifrei Torah thieves caught red handed

sefer torah1.jpgFour Arabs were caught stealing five Sifrei Torah from a Beit Shemesh Shul. The four suspects were caught red-handed by police Wednesday night as they waited in the street with the Sifrei Torah while waiting for their getaway car. The Sifrei Torah, valued at NIS 1 million, were not damaged in the heist, and have since been returned to the Shul.

8 Responses

  1. Thank Gd, the sifrei torah were returned safely to their shuls. Are the shuls locked at night, and was this a first time incident? Even though Arab labor can be bought for pittance, they should not be employed in Jewish stores, companies or for cleaning service in a makon kodesh. It usually ends up being an inside job – an Arab who is working there is the middle man.

  2. most new shuls have the sifrei torah locked in a safe but some of the old shuls that were around before safes were in style never upgraded. it was probably one of the older shuls in the old beit shemesh neivghborhood (ecspecially since it’s rare for the newer shuls to have so many sifrei torah)

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