Brookline MA: R’ Moshe Cohen-Skali Z”L

candle3.gifR’ Moshe Cohen-Skali Z”L, the owner of Beacon Kosher, in Brookline, MA, was R”L Niftar suddenly early this morning. There was a short Levaya where tehillim was recited outside the Bostoner Rebbe’s Shul at 7:30AM this morning. Short Hespeidim were delivered by Rav Naftoli Horowitz Shlita and Rav Dovid Moskovitz Shlita. From there they left to Stamford Yeshiva to pick up his sons (4 of them who learn there).  The Aron will be on the 3:00PM IsraAir flight from NY – the first Mais to be taken to Eretz Yisroel by IsraAir.  Boruch Dayan Emmes…

15 Responses

  1. Nebach! What a terrible tragedy! He was such a nice person who always brought a smile to your face with his cheerful, upbeat personality. This is such a shock. May Hashem bring nechama to his entire mishpacha, may we never know of such tzaros, and may biyas moshiach and tchiyas hameisim come soon.

  2. he has about 8-10 klds nebach that r now yesomem !!!!! if anyone wants 2 hear the hespadim you can call stamferd yeshiva at(203)325-9740

  3. This is a terrible tragedy for his family and the whole Brookline community. Does anyone have any details about the kevura in Eretz Yisroel?

    Edited by Site Staff

  4. I was privileged to learn some Hebrew grammar and lashon ha-Kodesh from him. I understand he was among the most knowledgeable in this subject.

  5. I’m out of words allready, every few days KLAL YISROEL suffers another tzara. We need to do teshuvah, make a yom tefilla, & perhaps a fast day.
    I hope somebody sets up a fund for the family, & YW posts the details about it.

  6. We must stop our addiction to loshon horoh.

    It is killing us.

    And, lest you ask why I pick loshon horoh, it is for the simple reason that Chazal say, and are quoted in the Shemiras Halashon, that L”H kills people.

    And it’s the only aveirah that many people are oiver every day b’meized, without any qualms or hesitation.

    We must leave go of loshon horoh once and for all.

  7. Will they be coming back to sit shiva here? Does anyone have an address or telephone number? I met this wonderful family several times in boston during Yom Tov. May he be a maylitz yosher for his family and ganz klal yisroel.

  8. He had a massive heart attack and they couldn’t do anything. If they do come back to Boston for the shiva is anyone going from the Monsey/Rockland New York area?

  9. they r comeing back to america on monday & you can call stamferd yeshiva @ 203-353-9705 or @ 203-325-9740 to find out more info.

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