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Five Towns: Kinos Hisorrerus tonight

Kinos-Hisorrerus.jpg(Click on image to ENLARGE it) Today Wednesday, March 14, the Five Towns/ Far Rockaway community is having a Kinos Hisorrerus in light of the many tragedies that have struck our community over the past year. We will have the zchus of hearing Divrei Torah from HaRav Mattisyahu Salamon Shlita, the mashgiach of the Lakewood Yeshivah, as well as a personal message to our community from the Posek Hador, Hagaon Harav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv Shlita which will be read by HaRav Dovid Weinberger Shlita.

This event will take place at 8:00 pm at Yeshiva Shor Yoshuv, One Cedar Lawn Avenue in Lawrence.

15 Responses

  1. I think all should be encouraged to attend. In light of all these troubles and untimely deaths in our communities don’t we all need rachmei shomayim? Further more, should’nt these chol hamoed events be cancelled due to these terrible events that have been happening? Why do we need to have ultimate enjoyment by attending a circus or concert? Should we not tone it down a little and show a little solidarity? Maybe hashem will see that we are sincere and he will have mercy on all klal yisroel.

  2. yes, in their words, it is for men, women, and young adults. There will be loudspeakers throughout the building.
    Mi KeAmcha Yisrael

  3. why is it that we have to wait for tragedies to happen for hisorerus… I always realized that when a tragedy happens right away pple say they are going to work on themselves and then slowly but surely it wears off the person and they forget about the whole thing (obviously I am included in this too) If we would keep up with all the things we say we would right after the tragedy happens, then maybe hashem won’t have to keep sending his reminders to us.

  4. Sheryl and Bubby

    If you want one, speak to your Rav and ask him to organize it, and be the first one to volunteer to help him get it done

  5. YW – just curious as to why you left out that Horav Naftoli Jaeger, Rosh Yeshiva of Shor Yoshuv will be speaking as well. His yeshiva is hosting this event. Why leave him out?

  6. I was in attendance at the Kinos Hisorrerus last night…it was very powerful. HaRav Mattisyahu Salamon Shlita reminded us that Klas Yiroel is bound in times of tragedy (Agudas B’Tzar) and that we have a unique opportunity to welcome the Shechina k’ish Echad B’lev Echad and re-commit ourselves to Torah. The Rosh HaYeshiva, HaRav Naftoli Jaeger Shlita, quoted Chazal and pleaded with each individual to do a Cheshbon HaNefesh. HaRav Dovid Weinberger Shlita relayed a personal message to our community from the Posek Hador, Hagaon Harav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv Shlita. The tikun we need is to raise our level of tznius in every sense of the term. We need to streangthen this precious midda within ourselves, our family’s and our communities as best as we can.

    Copies on CD for those interested may be obtained by calling the Yeshiva office directly.

    Practical workshops for men, women, and young adults have been scheduled throughout the 5 Towns as a follow up to the Kinos Hisorrerus.

    Yehi Ratzon…each member of Klal Yiroel should find the inspiration and the streangth to adhere to the advise of the Posek Hador and be mekabel upon ourselves to not only streanthen the inyan of tznius within ourselves but to open our hearts to the needs of each and every member of Klal Yiroel…k’ish Echad B’lev Echad

  7. Anybody who lives in monsey and wants to help out speak to your local rav I live in monsey and really want one due to the tragedies maybe someone could start organizing it and I promise you I will volunteer if I have contact information.

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