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Searching for Chometz YW style


16 Responses

  1. someone has worked on this…. lets give him the credit he deserves. why do we need to criticise and complain…and you know what…if you don’t like it….LUMP IT!!!

  2. It’s funny no matter what side of the atlantic you’re on. If someone doesn’t think so they don’t have to make fun!

  3. “someone has worked on this…. lets give him the credit he deserves.”

    The commenter evidently felt that he didn’t deserve any credit.

  4. himmelstein – you’ve been around this board long enough to know that for each innocent article/post/comment there are (at least) an equal number of counterposts and complaints – it’s known as “Meraglim law”

  5. I thin k its great-

    Make a slide show out of it and post it to Google or You tube and stick it near all the great Purm Videos!

  6. very funny, and who ever said that marbim bisimcha has to end after purim once the peasach cleaning starts, yasher koach!!!

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