Germany: Move to strip Hitler of citizenship

A German legislator has moved to strip Adolf Hitler of his German citizenship, Fox News reports.Isolde Saalmann, a deputy in the state legislature of Lower Saxony, plans to file a motion to investigate whether Hitler’s citizenship can be revoked.

Hitler, an Austrian, was granted German citizenship on Feb. 25, 1932 in the city of Braunschweig just months before he became Germany’s chancellor, according to the report.

“If the state of Lower Saxony as the legal successor of the then free state of Braunschweig distances itself from it, it could be helpful,” Saalmann told the Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung. “We want to clear this up once and for all.”

But German law prohibits stripping a person of their citizenship if they would then become stateless, Der Spiegel reports. Hitler renounced his Austrian citizenship in 1925. And it doesn’t help matters that the dictator is deceased.

“Dead is dead,” an unnamed official at the Lower Saxony justice ministry told Der Spiegel. “You can’t take anything more away then.”

Der Spiegel reported that a decision could come in a few weeks.

(Fox News)

8 Responses

  1. If you take away his citizenship, then his no longer German, does that mean that German can deny the Holocaust then and say it was an Austrian and not a German and therefore Germany is no longer responsible ?

  2. What a studpid, disingeniuos move! These people undermine our diginity. Instead of stripping a dead beast of his citizinship 75 years later, why dont they use their energy to campagin agaisnt Neo Nazism, or to discourage Holocaust Denial worldwide. Why didnt they send a political representative to Iran AT THE TIME to protest the whole conference?

    This is a total farce!

  3. I think this is a result of the German’s constant vigilance of Holocaust denial. It is a federal crime in Germany to deny the Holocaust. The penalties could be anything from fines to jail time of up to 7 years to losing one’s citizenship. There has been a rash of Neo-Nazi crimes against Yidden in Germany, Rachmona Litzlan, and I am guessing this is the way the government wants to handle the problem; by exposing Hitler as an Austrian and never a true German as a way of delegitimizing him. Kol Hakovod!

  4. ‘There has been a rash of Neo Nazi crimes in Germany,….I am guessing this si the way the government wants to ahndle the problem; by exposing HITLER AS AN AUSTRIAN and never a true German…..KOL HAKOVOD!’

    I think you should have a heart to heart talk with a trusted friend before you ‘lose it’ complelty!!!!!:))))))

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