Moshe Aryeh Friedman gets a beating

meshizahav NK.jpgMoshe Aryeh Friedman who embraced Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad reportedly was assaulted by a group of Israelis in Poland. According to the JTA website, Friedman, who attended the Holocaust denial conference hosted by Ahmadinejad in Tehran in December, was spotted while visiting the former Auschwitz and Birkenau camps over the weekend. A group from Israel also touring the sites gave Mr. Friedman a serious beating.“We gave him a good beating, the kind we have not given in a long time,” a member of the Israeli group, Yehuda Meshi-Zahav, told Ma’ariv. “We took off his coat and hat, so he would not look like a Jew.” According to the newspaper, Meshi-Zahav, who is one of the founders of the Israeli volunteer emergency service ZAKA, was later honored with a special Torah reading in the synagogue.


45 Responses

  1. I heard about this incident but I heard it happened in Lizensk by the kever of the Rebbe Reb Elimelech on his yartzheit this past Sunday.
    Where was it exactly, in Auswhitz or in Lizensk?

  2. After the false reports of his divorce and arrest on holocaust denial, among other false reports, I believe this is a highly embellished report.

    I do feel bad for the guy who claimed to beat him. He seems to like violence. He didn’t give a beating like this in ”a long time.” Seems he missed giving some Jew a ”good beating” ever since then. Nebech.

    And was Daas Torah consulted? Obviously not. Even if he were in cherem you cannot beat someone without Bais Din. Despite all the snide remarks of rodef, etc. no Bais Din applied that.

  3. though i agree that mr. friedman should be condemned for his embracing the
    rosho of iran, i don’t think this kind of action would be authorized by the gedolei yisroel. taking the law into your own hands isn’t da’as torah. i don’t
    think any good can come of this.

  4. “And was Daas Torah consulted?”

    Of course daas Torah was consulted! What’s the shaaleh? They probably asked him to wait while they ran to check a Gemara to see what it says about how to treat a rodef. No, wait, that’s wrong. If they would have done that, they would have killed him, not just beaten him.

  5. GOOD FOR HIM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I don’t feel bad for him, why should I, don’t you think he deserved it ?
    Why is it that some people are all of a sudden feeling so bad for him.
    I myself wouldn’t of beaten him, since I wouldn’t dirty my hands on filth like that, but hey if somebody else did it, GOOD !!!! Maybe now he’ll think twice before he does another CHILLUL HASHEM.

  6. yehudah meshi zahav, as you will recall, was the one in charge of throwing rocks / stones at cars passing on rehov bar ilan on shabat. later, he went on to “gedula” as founder of zaka, winner of the israel prize, and one of the most respected personages in israel, respected by charedim and hilonim (they dont realize he’s the same one who instigated the rock throwing).

    as if this isnt enough “daas torah” for the commenters, his grandfather is the dayan of the badatz.

  7. Ged:”he is a yid even if he has a sick mind ”

    What is that supposed to mean??First of all:He is much more than “a sick mind” secondly-Are you forgetting that Yushke was also jewish????He also started off as “a sick mind”-Yes ,its unfortunate that a jew can stoop so low-but the fact that he’s “still jewish” doesn’t make him any better.He’s pretty much as rotten as they get.In fact-No,i really don’t feel bad for his beating.Like SHERYL said-maybe(next time?) he’ll think twice before he disgraces the jewish people as a whole.

  8. I see, his grandfaher is the Dayan so he automatically has Daas Torah! Despite the fact unfortunately many Tzaddikim had reshoim as a grandchild. So YOU can declare him a rodef and do as you please, without Bais Din. You can use this on all your sonim.


  10. Yiden do not beat up fellow yiden- that goes without saying. But if ever anyone earned a beating it was this menuval who gives aid and comfort to the world’s worst sonei Yisroel.

    Hashem should punish this guy, not us…… but I don’t blame the ZAKA guy for giving into the teptation.

    The only people who should be allowed to post ‘how dare they act like goyim, beating people up’ etc. are those who are sure that they themselves would never act similiarly if they ever met this guy walking down he street. Me, I’m not on such a madrega.

  11. when you talk from your kishkes you say boich sevaros. Moshe called Dasan a rasha for hitting Aviram who was no great tzaddik. Pen tosif is about even someone who is a rasha. I don’t see how anyone is in any greater danger of death due to his stupidity, and even he there was this doesn’t change anything and therefore wouldn’t be allowed. I can’t believe that any moreh horaa would permit killing him or even hurting him. Maybe from the comments here some of you are more of a rodef chasing after him than he is.

    Thanks for your words of wisdom, it’s a breath of fresh air.
    I’m sick of these loonies talking about daas torah, Friedman doesn’t act Jewish, nor did he consult Daas Torah when he did what he did. So let’s save our sympathy for real yiden and not for NK.

  13. Meshi Zahav is the king of publicity stunts. Does anybody remember “Dapim Shechrim” a full color detailed brochure published (and partially staged) By Meshi-Zahav in the late 80s, showing police brutality in Yerushalaim by Shabbos Hafganot ?
    He is a clown, a very capable and sophisticated (and somewhat violent) clown, but a clown. I would take any “claim” of his with a grain (or two) of salt.
    As far as Friedman is concerned, there is no need to judge whether it was done al pi halacha or not, of course any normal person would not beat up someone else. But did he deserve it ? was it “magia lo” ? What’s the shaila ??!!
    PS, Please don’t tell him I said this, I value my health…

  14. uhkay, so efsher we shoulda asked a shaaleh, but in emissen, doesn’t dis story just make you wanna sing a niggin?
    I’m tinking maybe zaka messed up by not preparing a body bag. eh?

  15. Kanoim poigim boi – Yehuda Meshi Zahav is a Pinchas in more ways than one. As for me, if I would have been there, I would have walked up to Freaky Freedy with a bag of screws, and told him “I think you’ve lost these” as I handed the bag over to him 🙂 🙂 :).

  16. “when you talk from your kishkes you say boich sevaros.”

    Hey, the only one who talks for kishke is me, and I don’t say no boich sevaros.

  17. I highly doubt that these people had a plan to give him a beating. it was probably done on by impulse or instinct, wen u c someone who just tried to attack u, or someone who is that dangerous, u automatically attack him. unfortunately, it’s usually not thinking about Da’at Torah. it’s like a reflex

  18. Here are some questions about NK

    Question: How were they allowed to travel to Iran when there are federal statutes in place that prohibit travel to rogue countries (like Iran and Cuba)? How is it that their passports were not revoked?

    Question: Rumor has it that the Iranian Embassy paid for NK’s trip to Iran. How is that legal, when there are federal statutes in place that prohibit doing business with rogue countries (like Iran)? How is it that their passports were not revoked? Who has connections with the State Department to investigate this?

    Question: Why does NK need a tax exempt status? Who is donating money to them? Is it true that NK’s tax exempt status is connected to … Satmar? Who has connections with the IRS to investigate this?

    Question: Who is their travel agent? Who is booking their flights to far-away anti-semitic countries? Are they entering these countries through other neighboring countries?

    We need someone with strong political connections to conduct a congressional inquiry to investigate these issues. Are their any federal prosecutors out there who want to make an incredible name for themselves by prosecuting NK?

    Imagine NK’s mayhem once the subpoenas start flying. With their passports revoked, they could not travel to anti-semitic conferences around the world. Stay tuned. The final chapter about NK has not yet been written. As soon as the congressional inquiry into their affairs begins, as soon as the light will be turned on in the basement, the rats will scurry away for cover.

    If you are bothered by these questions that I pose about NK, agree with these ideas, and have the means of addressing them, please respond to [email protected].

  19. boorich, most of them are not American. Those that are… theres no law against visiting Iran. And a prosecutor, aside from wasting his time, would not get much publicity in the secular media for that.

  20. I whould’v done the same thing if I meet him .. I think he’s not only an anti zion BUT AN ANTI JEW (A SELF HATEING JEW R”L………

    Edited by site admin

  21. This man has been beaten up prior to his attending that conference in Iran.
    A further point, he is (was) involved in domestic violence, so I dont feel sorry for him at all. However i know that the cherem that was put out against him here in Europe specifically dismissed violence but just encouraged the public to isolate him completly.

  22. kishke I was being dan lkaf zchus. You impulsive people remind of of a gemara shabos 105b hamkarea bgodov bichamoso ….yihei bienecha kioved a”z ….hayom omer luch aseh kach…ad sheomer lo avod a”z vholech vioved. as for analogies to pinchos what he did was in the realm of halacha and was therefore praised this is not and therefore should not be praised.

  23. p.s. those of you who post things to get a reaction even though you don’t beleive in what you wrote (yes some have written that they do that) be careful that you are not being doresh drashos shel dofi. doing so is either a migale panim shelo kihalacha or worse. either way it is worse than an apikoros. sanhedrin 99b and rashi. it would be nice if everyone would give sources for assertions

  24. if only i’ve known that this bum would be there i would’ve paid whatever i have to get my hands on him…

    to mr. freidman … i hope it was very painfull


  25. Now hold on a minute!! In theory I agree with what all my YW friends are saying but since when has Yeshiva World become a sight for venting? There are plenty of other garbage bloggers out there where you can do that! Let us keep the heat down brothers and freinds…

  26. Boorichayim:
    Where are the federal statutes forbidding travel to Iran? The state department doesn’t recommend such travel, but they said the same thing about travel to Israel during the intifada, and no one was revoking anyones passports.
    Why would you want to maaser on Satmar? Why would you want IRS or congressional investigations into frum mosdos because we disagree halachically or otherwise (albeit vehemently) with people that are (allegedly) peripherially related to them? And what is it congress’s business?
    Who says they have a travel agent? You can book that yourself on the internet. And if the foreign government is helping them, then they wouldn’t need a heimishe travel agent anyway.

  27. maybe moshe aryeh friedman felt bad about what he did in iran and went to aushwitz to ask mechilla & do teshuva, it appears like he got his kapporah too.

  28. he should go 2 iran to recover his bruzz. he sure has free medical inc. over there !!!!!!!! & maybe ahmadenagad will be mevaker the sick ………..

  29. if this story is takeh true and I dont really believe that yehuda meshi-zahav would do such a thing but if he did think about it he is the one at the scene of terror attacks very very often r”l so for him to see a guy who goes and embraces such a rusha who suports these terror attacks i could see him getting very worked up first put yourself in that matzif and then judge him for what he did and i dont believe mishum oifen that he said “the kind like we havent given in a long time”

  30. Rumor has it that when Friedman pressed charges against Meshi Zahav for beating him up in Auschwitz, Meshi Zahav denied the whole thing, claiming that Auschwitz doesn’t even exisit!!

  31. Baki who knows it all:

    Please post your credentials as a Posek.

    Oh, thank you.

    One more thing Baki:

    Where is the Gemara about, “Kol haposel mimumo posel”. It seems to be quite relevant over here.

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