HAKHEL launches the Tefillin awareness project

Hakhel-Schachter-TEFILLIN-F.jpgHAKHEL – a Brooklyn based chesed organization initiated a new venture, focusing on the proper placement of the Tefillin Shel Rosh. Unfortunately, many men unintentionally place their tefillin below their original hairline. Many of us may not realize that we have a real issue with proper placement. This may be due to several factors, including the Tefillin Retzuos (straps) stretching, and less hair on our heads as we grow older, which is further complicated by a receding hairline.Even if a minute portion of the Shel Rosh rests in an area where no hair grows, ONE HAS NOT FULFILLED THE MITZVAH AND HIS BROCHA IS IN VAIN. 

tefillin placement.jpgHakhel, in conjunction with their sponsor Avrohom B. Schachter, is making available, free of charge, qualified Sofrim who will check your Tefillin placement for you and adjust the Kesher (knot) if necessary, on Sunday, March 18th, @ The Agudah Hall – 2913 Avenue L, Brooklyn, New York –  between the hours of 9:30am and 12:00 noon. Free Tefillin mirrors will be distributed as well.

HAKHEL’s plan is to take this project nationwide. For further information, please call: 718-253-5497, 718-258-2210, 718-3776735 or email: [email protected].

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