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Missouri: Police make arrests at Neo-Nazi march

A neo-Nazi march attracted hundreds of spectators and counter-protesters in Missouri, and police used pepper spray to control the crowd. Seven spectators were arrested.About two dozen neo-Nazis marched near the University of Missouri-Columbia campus, protesting what they said were the school’s links to Marxism. Police escorted the marchers, who included several people wearing brown-shirted uniforms and carrying Nazi banners.

Between 300 and 400 people gathered along the parade route, Columbia police Capt. Zim Schwartze said. Police used pepper spray as marchers and spectators pressed toward each other, catching several bystanders and news photographers in the spray. No one was seriously injured.

The spectators were arrested on suspicion of peace disturbance by fighting, trespassing and assault of a police officer.

(Source: Fox)

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