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Jewish congressman cancels PLO meeting

A Jewish congressman cancelled a meeting with the PLO representative in Washington after the PLO envoy derided AIPAC.Afif Safieh, who heads the Palestine Liberation Organization office, sent a letter out Friday to a mailing list that includes congressional offices in which he suggested that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee and its policy forum this weekend were not representative of American Jews.

“A variety of representative voices within the Jewish American Community are disputing the maximalist and belligerent lobbying techniques of AIPAC on Iraq and now Iran and AIPAC’s constant attempts to NEUTRALIZE American diplomacy on Israel/Palestine,” the letter said.

Safieh touted a handful of meetings he had had or had planned with Congress members, including Rep. Robert Wexler (D-Fla.) Wexler cancelled the meeting.

(Source: JTA)

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