In God we….forgot….to print

picEdgeLettering.jpgThe United States Mint has struck more than 300 million George Washington Presidential $1 Coins. We have recently learned that an unspecified quantity of these coins inadvertently left the United States Mint at Philadelphia without edge-lettering on them. It is unknown how many of these coins without inscriptions on the edge have been placed into circulation.

The United States Mint understands the importance of the inscriptions “In God We Trust” and “E Pluribus Unum,” as well as the mint mark and year on U.S. coinage. We take this matter seriously. We also consider quality control a high priority. The agency is looking into the matter to determine a possible cause in the manufacturing process.

Production of the Presidential $1 Coin, with its unique edge-lettering, is a new, complex, high volume manufacturing system, and the United States Mint is determined to make technical adjustments to perfect the process. As we adjust this new process, we intend to eliminate any such defects.

Consistent with the agency’s practice in such situations, the United States Mint has informed the Office of Inspector General of the U.S. Department of the Treasury about this matter.

(Source: US Mint)

11 Responses

  1. In fact theyre going for much more than $50 .check out this link.If i were buying them,i’d probably make sure they can be returned if you’re not happy with them.Half of them might just be fakes.What do i mean?Well,making them “smooth” these days-to rid them from their side lettering- isn’t a big deal-for the dealers out there…But defacing a currency IS a federal crime-so ‘don’t bother trying it at home’…

  2. for someones mistake people will pay extra money? a strange world no?!

    by the way i have a bunch of coins that the lettering is upside down!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I remember years ago listing to a tape from Rav Avigdor Miller ZT”L, where he stated the following ” The day the United States deliberately omites G-d’s name from the currencies, is the day the USA goes down for good”.


    Those are valuable coins. You can sell them to collectors for a lot of gelt.

    You can switch to Geico.

  5. “by the way i have a bunch of coins that the lettering is upside down”

    You’re probably holding the coins upside down. Turn them right side up, and the lettering will be fine.

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