Minister Rav Meshulam Nahari visits Lakewood

IMG_1056.jpgFull photo essay available HERE. A well-attended dinner and reception in honor of Rav Meshulam Nahari was hosted on Motzoei Taanis Esther, at the home of Rabbi Meir Hertz, the Dean of Tashbar, a personal friend of Rav Nahari’s.

Rav Meshulam Nahari is a second Minister in the Ministry of Finance in the Government of Israel. He is a member of the Knesset from Shas. His Ministry is responsible for overseeing funding of all religious education, and social services. He is widely recognized as an eloquent and effective advocate for charedi chinuch: kollelim, yeshiva ktanas, chadorim, kiruv programs, and so forth.  His office is also responsible for subsidizing 30 frum mosdos chinuch in the former Soviet Union.

The Lakewood reception was in line with the purpose of Rav Nahari’s trip to America. He came here to increase cooperation between the Chinuch/Torah worlds of Eretz Yisroel and America, on two major common challenges: Children at risk, and harbotzas Torah in the former Soviet Union.

Rav Nahari is renowned in Eretz Yisroel as one of the most effective advocates for increased budgets for these two causes.

He himself learned in Chevron, progressing from Tiferes Tzvi (Chevron’s yeshiva k’tana), through Chevron, and then Chevron’s Kollel.

He was accompanied on this visit to Lakewood by Rabbi Dovid Milgrom, one of the leading askanim for chinuch causes in Eretz Yisroel, and by Ariel Deri, Rav Nahari’s Chief of Staff, an attorney responsible for drafting key legislation in support of Torah institutions in EY proposed by Rav Nahari.

As the undisputed center of America’s Torah world, Rav Nahari came to Lakewood to meet with the Rosh Hayeshiva, Shlita, the Mashgiach, Shlita, and key Rabbonim, askonim, and baalei batim involved in these two causes, which are close to his heart, and for which he has successfully exerted tremendous efforts personally, as well as in his official capacity.

The visit started with Maariv at the Yeshiva, where Rav Nahari was greeted by the Rosh HaYeshiva. The visit continued with a breaking-the-Fast Dinner and Reception at Rabbi Hertz’s home, attended by approximately 60 Rabbonim, askonim, local government representatives, (including Deputy Mayor Meir Lichtenstein, and Committeeman Menashe Miller) and baalei batim.

Rabbi Eliezer Toledano, one of the reception organizers and the Master of Ceremonies opened the evening by welcoming Rav Nahari to Lakewood. Rabbi Hertz introduced Rav Nahari linking his important work to inyani d’yoma of Zachor and Purim. Rav Nahari addressed the gathering movingly, giving an overview of the challenges relating to kids at risk and kids who dropped out in Eretz Yisroel. He also gave an update on what is being accomplished for kiruv rechokim and harbotzas Torah in the former Soviet Union. He emphasized the Chazal that the miracle of Purim was brought about in the z’chus of Tinokos Shel Beis Rabban. He poignantly related his own years in Chevron, and what an indelible impression was made on him by the close attention lavished on him by the Rosh HaYeshiva Rav Chatzkel Sarna, ZT”L. The final speaker was Rabbi Yitzchok Dwek of the Deal Synagogue, who lauded Rav Nahari’s extraordinary accomplishments.

After the Reception, Rav Nahari and his entourage, accompanied by Rabbis Hertz and Toledano, headed to the Rosh HaYeshiva’s home for a visit, and then to the Mashgiach’s home. During both visits the issues on Rav Nahari’s “agenda” were  discussed.  Rav Nahari left Lakewood approx. 11:30PM, and planned to return to EY Monday nite after Purim.

(Story and photo credit: Lakewood Shopper)

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