Tragedy strikes Yerushalayim

r1.jpgr2.jpgTragedy struck Yerushalayim this afternoon with the shocking death of a 21 year old girl who was R”L killed by a passing cement truck. The accident occurred in Ramot Yerushalayim on Rechov Ziritzky. (More info to be posted as it becomes available.) May we never hear of such tragedy again…..

18 Responses

  1. I agree with YerushalayimIrKodesh its time to wake up and do what Hashem wants from us- its as simple as that…

  2. Welcome to the wonderful world of Golus.

    My friends, help me out here: Hashem wants each and every one of us to correct our ways. But at the same time, dont we fall numb when so many tragedies occur? Many of the people who survive the Holocaust simply “got used” to the situation after a while! They learned to acclimate to the situation! I know this is the exact opposite of what Hashem wants but how can we learn from and cope with the tragedies at the same time…

  3. It’s a very big tragedy it should never happen again in klal yisroel

    iameckstein-its not true they still react when something bad happens

  4. everytime there is a tragedy we say it should never happen again we have to do thuvah that it shoudnt’nt happen again we have to wake up

  5. Let us all focus on the concept of Kiddush Hashem. All our actions and words should reflect the fact that we are Hashem’s chosen people and our mission is to be a light to all the other nations. We should conduct ourselves in such a way – in all places and at all times – that all who we encounter should exclaim, “What a wonderful nation G-d has chosen to be His own!” If we can glorify Hashem’s name down here on earth, we can hope and pray that Hashem will be proud of us and protect us from all harm.

  6. I hate to be the cynic here and I don’t mean to say that Hashem isn’t sending messages. But for all of you that are asking What is going on – I will tell you what is going on. What is going on is that Yeshiva world publishes every single tragedy so that is why it feels like there are more than ever. I don’t see the point in posting all these stories. Never before in History was the Jewish world so “small” that everyone heard about every tragedy. It was usually confined to the community. Now the newspapers (and yeshiva world) feel the need to report on all these stories, for some reason. I call this being a Yenta.

  7. rebetzin: i’m maskem 2 u that y”w prints evrey small tragede so it sounds like that there r only r”l tragedes in klal yisrael .. but these tragedes r meant 2 wake us up & do tshivah & if y”w won’t report it you won’t know about it.. but don’t just look at the dark side of klal yisrael look at the good side look how maney yeshiva’s r in america & in e”y just look at the lakewood yesiva (bmg) alone evrey zeman it get’s bigger &bigger !!!!!!!!!

  8. There were never ever so many tragedies as there are today not just in accidents but also in Yene Machleh it’s so obvious that Ha-shem is sending us messages to wake us up.

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