Eretz Yisroel: Arabs to produce electric on Shabbos

power grid.jpgInfrastructure Minister Benyamin Ben-Eliezer announced his plans to recruit the first batch of Arab Israelis to the Electric Corp, to members of the United Torah Judaism faction who have opposed the operation of the company’s key facilities by Jewish workers on Shabbos.

The employment of Arab Israeli workers for weekend shifts will end the row between the Infrastructure Ministry and the orthodox party.

“I am hopeful that soon we will relay the work of producing electricity on Shabbos to non-Jewish workers,” said Eliezer. “Today, in an era when most systems are automated, it is possible to assign the job to a limited number of workers.”


6 Responses

  1. This is a true test of bitochon: putting people who are national security risks in charge of critical infrastructure.

    If the Israeli Government is sincere about this, then the zechus of shemiras Shabbos will eliminate that risk.

  2. Are you out of your mind?
    If its a true sakkanah, they cannot do that at all, since when can you put yourself at risk for Shabbos & be soimach on a ness?
    If it is true saknas nifashois, they cannot and will not be doing this.

    Its not bittochoin, but a chosid shoita. On the other hand, if its not a real sakkanah, or if the Arabs will do the work, but the plant will be teeming with Israelis, who are officially “not” working, only supervising, that is another story.

  3. you think there are no arab doctors in hospitals and watchmen in empty building sites?
    they are all over the place. I don’t think the sakana is greater or lesser anywhere you turn in this country. if the israeli- arabs could be trusted not to start up with us then we could ride busses , give birth in hospitals, leep at home across the street from arab shomrim, etc.
    and if they can’t be trusted than we are in a big sacana already now

  4. YW Editor: I appreciate and respect attacks on my opinions. I take offense on attacks on my person. Please clean up some of these postings.

    Regarding my position: It IS a sakkanah, period. The fact that the Israeli Government is taking a major security risk in doing this is not new – they have done it numerous times in the past, usually for political expediency.

  5. As was once explained to me, they have non Jewish personnel doing the actual work, and have armed guards/security making sure no “stunts” are played with the infrastructure. Carrying a gun is “only” a derabanan, and under the circumstances, absolutely necessary.

  6. Shazam:
    I am sorry if you were offended it was not my intention. I beg for your mechila.
    My point remains, jumping in the fire and screaming bitachoin is a chosid shoita (not that you are a C.S, but the gov would be). The gov will obviously not be doing that.

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