LaGuardia Airport: Lost Tefillin

tefillin.jpgA Yeshiva Bochur submitted the following: I left my Tefillin bag (inside a wheelie) in a Yellow Cab trunk. I exited the cab and told the driver to open the trunk, but he just sped away. I was going from LaGuardia Airport to Riverdale Yeshiva. My name is on the Tefillin bag: Eliyohu Rosenblatt. If found, please call the following toll free number 1-888-654-3366. Tizku Limitzvos.

6 Responses

  1. Just wanted to comment and say, that my father has always taught my brothers (and we our sons) that their tefillin should NEVER be out of their sight. Tefillin should ALWAYS be with you, not left in schools, shuls etc. Any hand luggage with tefillin should be WITH YOU, not in the trunk, etc…. tefillin must be cherished and watched, even more so, than other valuables. All boys need to be taught the importance of always having their tefillin with them. I do hope he finds his tefillin – hatzlocho.

  2. call the port authority of la guardia and ask to view surviellience video of the time you took the cab. it should be in easy view and you locate the cab medallion #.

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