Former White House aide I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby was convicted Tuesday of obstruction, perjury and lying to the FBI an investigation into the leak of a CIA operative’s identity.

Libby, the former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney, is the only person charged in the case, which grew out of an investigation into the 2003 leak of CIA operative Valerie Plame’s identity.

Plame is married to former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, who emerged in mid-2003 as an outspoken critic of the Bush administration’s case for the Iraq war.

Fitzgerald says Libby learned about Plame from Cheney and other officials in June 2003 and relayed it to reporters. Libby’s defense team argued that Libby recalled his conversations to the best of his ability. Any inaccuracies he made to the FBI or a federal grand jury were the result of a faulty memory, attorneys said.

(Source: Drudgereport)

23 Responses

  1. Lets not forget that Libby is Jewish.Im not surprised that he was the only one charged.I think Karl Rove is really behind this all.I mean Come on! Do you really beleive that he was trhe only one involved.This smells like a “Pollard”

  2. Detroiter: Let me elaborate. This is not about anti-semitism. It’s about overreach by prosecutors in general and special prosecutors in particular. The charge here is very similar to the one pursued in the Martha Stewart case, where there is no underlying crime, and the sentence is for perjury only; i.e. the supposed coverup of a nonexistent crime.

  3. What a lib whitewash! He didn’t do anything illegal. He wasnt the one to leak the name and NOTHING happened to the hunt whose name was leaked by the LIBS!

  4. S Mir and all others who dont know anything about politics!Dont you know that Karl Rove and his Chevra are probably the most successful spin artists in the history of politics?Are you so naive to believe that Dick Cheney wasnt lying under oath as well?He just wasnt caught and instead of Rove going to jail,the blamed it on Libby.

  5. I realy don’t understand you guys!

    a life was put into danger by leaking the name of an undercover CIA operative.

    Yes THEY ARE ALL Guilty but politics is politics and Cheney and Rove happened to OUTSMART Libby and Libby ended up as the Guilty.
    this has NOTHING TO DO with him being Jewish.

    You guys sound like the yid that gets pulled over for jumping a red light, gets a ticket and points on his license the everybody starts sounding off about the cop being ‘ahn antisemitt’

  6. The main thing is that this story appeared on YW. The ‘yeshivisha’ readership finds it very interesting, as demonstrated by the responses. B’H there is so much free time in this yeshiva velt to discuss this most important of issues.

  7. Detroiter:
    I don’t think you have any clue about my knowledge of politics. All I said was that it’s silly to blame his conviction on him being Jewish. Blaming everything on anti-semitism is a huge chilul hashem.
    I have seen some of your ignorant comments (like about the donation to Hadassah).
    Maybe spend more time at your job collectiong money for mosdos, and less time cooking up outlandish conspiracy theories. so…
    S Mir

  8. Mikedrezz
    Thats looking at it brilliantly.I dont know what Purim has got to do with Libby.It sounds like your still being mechadesh Purim Torahnot me !Its still winter zman,lets hear something that makes sense.

  9. Hey Detroiter. The bottom line is, your opinions have to be the opposite of any sane individuals opinions. You are doing it deliberately to gain attention and you are also probably thriving on the counter comments. So to all people viewing this: When Detroiter makes another comment that seems outrageous, don’t respond , he will see he is being ignored and will cease submitting stupid comments.

  10. Detroiter

    what do you want from Mikedrezz?

    YOU are the one that came up with this brilliant ‘winter zman chidush’
    that Libby was convicted because he was Jewish. 🙂

  11. “I realy don’t understand you guys!

    a life was put into danger by leaking the name of an undercover CIA operative.”

    Are you serious? It was common knowledge that she was a CIA agent way before she was supposed to have been outed by the Bush admin. Wilson mentioned it himself and I believe it was even published in a book.

    The real question should be why did Plame use her status to get her husband a job he was not qualified for and why did he lie in his report

  12. “a life was put into danger by leaking the name of an undercover CIA operative.”

    It’s evident that you really don’t know much about the case. She was not undercover and her life was not put into danger. Her name may have been leaked to the press, but it was not Libby who leaked it, but Richard Armitage, and Fitzgerald knew this when he prosecuted Libby. This is another example of a special prosecutor running amok, having to produce some ridiculous conviction to justify his huge expenditures.

  13. Detroiter,

    you do sound a little funny. I could understand why they think that you are in Purim mode. You do sound a bit Shikur, no offence..

  14. I love the way “some people” throw around the term “Chilul Hashem”.Did you ever see the way the Rambam teiches it? All I did was lament that he should spread his money around to the frum.A chilul Hashem is when an obviously frum guy walks into court being charged with a crime etc…What I said was not a Chilul Hashem.I certainly did not say my oppinions for attention or because of a Purim hangeover.Some people dont like hearing other oppinions so they “shriy” Chilul Hashem!It is all so absurd.

  15. “All I did was lament that he should spread his money around to the frum” – hey detroiter – this is the libby thread not the billionaire donor thread. :o)

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