Tell me we ain’t in Golus…

Israel, Iran and the United States are the countries with the most negative image in a globe-spanning survey of attitudes toward 12 major countries. Canada and Japan came out best in the poll, released Tuesday.

The survey for the British Broadcasting Corp.’s World Service asked more than 28,000 people to rate 12 countries – Britain, Canada, China, France, India, Iran, Israel, Japan, North Korea, Russia, the United States and Venezuela – as having a positive or negative influence on the world.

Israel was viewed negatively by 56 per cent of respondents and positively by 17 per cent; for Iran, the figures were 54 per cent and 18 per cent. The United States had the third-highest negative ranking, with 51 per cent citing it as a bad influence and 30 per cent as a good one. Next was North Korea, which was viewed negatively by 48 per cent and positively by 19 per cent.

(Source: Breitbart)

11 Responses

  1. kishe – The only reason iran made the list because they should a picture of hamandijad – or whatever his name is with the nk nuts!

  2. Oh Thank You very much! The Arab dominated “BBC” took the poll.Im surprised it wasnt 100% against Israel.So we hate the Jews more than we hate the Iranians.Were they polling the Al Kaida Sunnis in Iraq or what?

  3. israel should’nt let bbc reporter’s in israel they should boycot them bec. they r anti samite’s .kemuvan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Hey, mdlevine, spelling mistakes get on EVERYONE’s nerves – not just yours…

    So yeah, we all see the misspellings, and we all try to ignore them and decipher the main message…

    I usually enjoy your posts, but this one…???

  5. hey snake – lighten up – check my previous post on this subject when I wrote “should” and was thinking “showed” trust me, I am not the best speller and writer out here – I did appreciate the compliment, thank you! – b/t/w i wasn’t picking on irv – I was just trying to add a little humor. can’t be perfect all the time.

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